For background read my 2012 study on the movement of Hurricanes that year. Then follow my research by take the tracking from 2012 and add the tracks of the 2017 super storms into the equation. See a pattern? . . . You Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Geoengineering expert and weather control analyst Dane Wigington unloads the true globalist agenda behind weather control technology in a fascinating one-hour interview with the Health Ranger of Natural News. The interview covers the existence of weather engineering technology, who controls it, how it’s deployed and why the United States is being targeted now that President Trump is in the White House. Read Complete description on you. . . read Complete Description on YouTube.
What Are They Getting Ready For?!?! Hurricane Jose, Maria = JOSEPH, MARY?!
HUGE!!! A then-tropical wave as of Wed., Aug. 31st, 2017, Hurricane Jose has now formed into a category 1 storm, according to the National Hurricane Center and the Saffir-Simpson scale. Occurring on the tail-end of Irma and Katia, this storm is projected to move northward towards the northern Atlantic throughout the upcoming week. Here comes a few more storms right behind it: tropical depression Lee, and tropical storm Maria. Maria began intensifying as a storm just this past weekend, on Fri., September 16th, 2017… The storm is projected to grow and trail the same pathway as Irma — but is currently remaining in the Caribbean. . . . Read Complete Description on YouTube.
In Depth Documentary On HAARP and Everything Its Used For. This is an Amazing Documentary. I Posted this video to spread the knowledge to everyone who is just beginning to learn about HAARP. Knowledge is Power!! Please Spread This Knowledge! Notice: I am not looking to make any profit from this exploitation. I am simply a concerned patriot volunteering his time to assist in exposing the corruptness in our government and it’s dealings with the New World Order.
With the above report being posted today, and the Hurricane Season right around the Corner here on the East Coast of the US, I have decided to re-post my Weather Control Series from April 2012. I think the research still applies today. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw (See Page 2 below)
If you ain’t scared yet you should be. You need to make everyone who is important to you aware of this and the other reports that we present here on THEI. Use key words in the Search Space in the right hand column to search thru our 3600+ postings. This isn’t Conspiracy Theory – This is fact my friend! . . . your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
I will be a guest on Skywatchers Radio next Tuesday, Mar 21 at 11 PM to Mar 22 at 1 AM. I will be discussing The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State. Join us and call in. . . Dennis Crenshaw
Hidden secret found, NASA the end of mankind leaked document
“The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia,USA. A message clearly conveying a set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek,Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The structure is sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge.”[1]”
Featured Image: HAARP, Alaska. SOURCE WIKIPEDIA COMMONS. (Public Domain)
2nd Image: Aerial view of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program site in Alaska. CREDIT: U.S. Federal Government. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
Featured Image: Hurricane Sandy SOURCE: NASA Earth Observatory (Public-Domain).
This video will appear boring to some, however if you are patient and watch the whole presentation you will see what the expert presenter sees and, taken along with what we have already learned about weather manipulation, this video is an important addition to our archive. If you are a newbee to the subject you might first want to check out some of the earlier “Weather Control” posts in our archive. Link posted after this video.. . EDITOR
It’s true: China actively manipulates the weather. But how – and why? Tune in to learn the Stuff China Doesn’t Want You To Know about modern weather manipulation and its possible long-term effects.
Featured Image: One of several tornadoes observed by the enVORTEX 99 team on May 3,1999 in central Oklahoma. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain).
Why would the Controllers want to create such a monstrous killer storm?
Check the timing. The truth about this administration is catching up with them. If the Obama administration ever needed a break from media and citizen eyeballin’ it certainly would be right now even more than with the other suspected controlled storms we have covered (See link after video) . . . EDITOR