Search results for Rockefeller

The Rambo Rule, by Rick Osmon

Exclusive to THEI

by Rick Osmon – Site manager

13 July, 2012

The Rambo Rule
I ran across a headline in that truly pissed me off.
Experts Tell Congress SOCOM Needs to Shift Focus

Read more

Television And The Hive Mind Set (w/video) and Last Minute UPDATE: Parents – not TV – may determine kids’ activity levels

UPDATE: Parents – not TV – may determine kids’ activity levels, OSU study says


Parents – not TV – may determine kids’ activity levels, OSU study says

The following was submitted by Oregon State University Research News and Communications:

CORVALLIS – Researchers at Oregon State University have confirmed what we knew all along – children in this country are increasingly sedentary, spending too much time sitting and looking at electronic screens.

But it’s not necessarily because of the newest gee-whiz gadgets – parents play a major factor in whether young children are on the move.

In two studies out online today in a special issue of the journal Early Child Development and Care devoted to “Parental Influences of Childhood Obesity,” OSU researchers examined how parenting style – whether a strict but loving parent or a less-involved and more permissive parent – was associated with sedentary behavior.

Overall, they found that children who had “neglectful” parents, or ones who weren’t home often and self-reported spending less time with their kids, were getting 30 minutes more screen time on an average each week day.

More disturbing to lead author David Schary – all of the children ages 2 to 4 were sitting more than several hours per day. . . Read Complete Report

Television and the Hive Mindset

from Before its News

Friday, June 22, 2012 10:00

Sixty-four years ago this month, six million Americans became unwitting subjects in an experiment in psychological warfare.

It was the night before Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the Mercury Radio on the Air began broadcasting Orson Welles’ radio adaptation of H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds. As is now well known, the story was presented as if it were breaking news, with bulletins so realistic that an estimated one million people believed the world was actually under attack by Martians. Of that number, thousands succumbed to outright panic, not waiting to hear Welles’ explanation at the end of the program that it had all been a Halloween prank, but fleeing into the night to escape the alien invaders.

Later, psychologist Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic. This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University’s Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass brainwashing. . . . Read Complete Report


Entertainment – Enslaving the Minds of the Masses
Uploaded by on Jun 6, 2011

EXCLUSIVE to THEI: Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

Thoughts from an ‘Underground’ Insider:
Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious

by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

posted 6/21/12 – Midnight

As I have said here many times before unless we learn and retain what has happened before history does repeat itself.

Those of us who were around during the Watergate scandal will probably get a feeling of da javu over the next coming months.

RECAP.  Just before the re-election of Richard Nixon his “plumbers”, a group of thieves and undercover CIA operatives straight out of central casting, were caught breaking and entering the offices of the Democratic Party at the famous Watergate building in Washington D.C.. Their mission was to check their already installed bugs in the offices, install some more and search for any connection between the Democratic Party’s candidate George McGovern and Cuba’s Communist Leader Fidel Castro.

Tricky Dick used every trick in his bag including “”Executive Privilege” to delay the investigation until after the election. The main reason to delay was to insure that the “conservative” arm of the Controllers government could continue with their “right wing” agenda for 4 more years. Of course even after Tricky Dick resigned to keep from being impeached the Controllers “right wing” agenda continued.

Now it’s “Operation Fast and Furious,”

Thanks to a DEA whistle-blower the fact that the ATF was secretly and illegally  smuggling guns, or as they call it “walking guns”, to the drug thugs in Mexico was revealed.


from Fox News



But why did ATF agents do such a counter-productive operation you might ask?

Now don’t just flat out take what I believe as gospel … research the facts for yourself.  However, my research indicates there are two  main reasons for giving the Mexican Drug cartel’s that much firepower.

(1) It would help escalate the Border War being waged on the US/Mexican border to help advance the Controllers on-going plan to put in place a North American Union.

(2) The most important reason of all was to add fire to the “liberal” arm of the controllers Washington DC-beltway-conglomerate anti-gun propaganda war against the American people. When the Border Bandits start killing people on both sides of the border the cry would have been… “See guns are being sold into Mexico by Southern and Western state gun shops because of ease of obtaining guns and ammo in the United. States. We’ve got to stop this!””

All in order to insure passage of extensive gun control laws during the next four years of a “liberal” adminidtration. (Those who are educating themselves see this coming and are arming themselves before it happens like never before in our country’s history


from Sky News

Gun sales boom as firearm owners anticipate crackdown

Jun 19, 2012- 1:50 – Buyers worried about federal assault on gun rights stock up


from L.A. Times

By Richard A. SerranoJune 20, 2012, 1:30 p.m

House panel recommends Holder be found in contempt of Congress

WASHINGTON — The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform voted to find Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress for failing to provide subpoenaed documents in the flawed Fast and Furious gun-tracking case, just hours after President Obama asserted executive privilege and backed the attorney general’s refusal to release the material. . read Complete Report


Eric Holder, the controllers liberal “Attorney General” has held Congress off in its investigation of Operation Fast and Furious as long as he could, but its getting out of his control.

So on the eve of charging him with contempt of Congress, the White House stepped in and invoked “Executive Privilege”.   Sound familiar long time Insiders?

If history follows the past pattern things could get interesting in the next few months.  If the Controllers have accomplished what they wanted during this “liberal” phase of their plans I believe they will throw Obama to the wind. If not, when the facts about Obama’s birth finally come out some time after the election it will not matter to the elitist because just like Nixon he will have served his purpose to his handlers. Besides, this time the controllers  are hedging their bet.

if the Bilderburg elitist controllers and their pals have decided to swing over to the “conservative” part of their plan for a One World Order because of too much exposure, then it would not matter no more than a hill of beans.  Their “conservative” point man of their puppet show is, of course Mitt Romney an admitted ‘Rockefeller’ Republican. More popularly known today as a RINO.

Although it will appear to the uninformed that their vote had put the “right wing”  in the White House, in reality the rookie puppet, Mitt Romney thinks the same as their current puppet, Barack Obama.

from youtube

Watching what happens between now and election would be more fun to watch than the Keystone Cops if it wasn’t so sad and serious which, uh, rhymes with fast and furious . . . . Dennis

Admiral Byrd and the Secret Quest for Unknown Lands Inside the Earth by Dennis Crenshaw (w/video)


Admiral Byrd and the Secret Quest for Unknown Lands inside the Earth:

A Speculative Preliminary Research Report using Known Fact

By Dennis Crenshaw

Posted March 7, 2012

I am constantly asked about my year (1995-96) of research into Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his expeditions and am now accumulating all of my research to put together a final report to be released in the near future;  In the mean time. . . .

I do have a theory about the involvement of Admiral Byrd in early 20th century Hollow Earth explorations.  I could find no positive “proof” of Admiral Byrd being involved in any such Expeditions although I do believe I have found enough supporting information to bring the possibility up to more than a 50 % chance.

I repeat: this is all just speculation of course. First let me put my “believer” foil hat on . . . yep, still fits. . . .here goes.

I do not believe that “Admiral Byrd “flew into the Hollow Earth.”

I do believe he was in charge of all operations in the secret explorations and that all of his Antarctic activities were directed towards exploring unknown lands inside the earth.  Here is the short version of my theory that fits what is actually known about his movements during the expeditions, time constrains, etc.

The Quest Begins

In 1926 following orders from his mentor and lifetime financial backer, John D. Rockefeller, Byrd made his first and only exploration flight in the northern area and found enough proof of what he was looking for 80 miles from the “north pole” to be able to turn back.  He never made it to the non-existent  “North Geological pole” because he had no need to.  What he needed to know – information regarding the measurement of the curvature of the planet – he found long before the non-existing “point” called the North Geographical Pole was reached. Because flying to “the pole” was the media spin for his activity, documents (since proven wrong) were doctored in a dis-information campaign to report “Byrd Flew to the North Pole.”

Byrd reported in and had a debriefing session with Rockefeller and other members of the Controller cartel.  They decided to concentrate their efforts in the quest for the mysteries of the poles at the southern end of our globe for a couple of reasons.  The Northern area of our planet is the most populated so therefore harder to hide movement and exploration and there is is a large land mass totally empty of permanent human occupation on which to build a permanent “home base” for operations.

So the first move in exploring “the lands beyond the poles” was the establishment in January 1929 by Richard Byrd[1] of the first of a series of base camps, all called Little America, from which operations in Antarctica would  be directed.

Byrd’s First Antarctic Expedition in 1928 and the Establishment of the first Little America base camp

The Exploration’s Mobile Base

All of the so called “flights into the hollow earth” reported in books and on Hollow Earth sites are just planted disinformation; smoke and mirrors.  Any actual exploration of new lands MUST be done by boots on the ground. The actual exploration of the secretive “lands beyond the poles” begin with Admiral Byrd’s 1939 Expedition and the delivery of the snow cruiser to Little America.  More to come.

Read my report:  Admiral Byrd’s 1939 Antarctica Expedition and the Mysterious Snow Cruiser.

The “official” film (Complete) release of the 1939 -1940 Expedition

Go DEEPER:  A couple more of the reports having to do with my Admiral Byrd research can also be found in the Admiral Byrd/ Polar Mysteries Department on this website.

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

from AverageJoebodybuilder

July 11, 2011
By Dean Henderson
While the global elite construct underground bunkers, eat organic and hoard seeds in Arctic vaults; the global poor are being slowly starved thanks to high commodity prices and poisoned with genetically modified (GMO) food.
Austerity measures aimed largely at the poor are being imposed in all the nations of the world. Weather events grow more deadly and brushfire wars more frequent. An AK-47 can be obtained for $49 in the markets of West Africa.
The depopulation campaign of the inbred Illuminati bankers is accelerating.
In 1957 President Dwight Eisenhower, who later warned of a “military-industrial complex”, commissioned a panel of scientists to study the issue of overpopulation.  The scientists put forth Alternatives I, II and III, advocating both the release of deadly viruses and perpetual warfare as means to decrease world population.
The first supposition dovetailed nicely with the pharmaceutical interests of the Rockefellers.  According to Nexus magazine, the Rockefellers own one-half of the US pharmaceutical industry, which would reap billions developing medicines to “battle” the deadly viruses about to be released. . . .Read complete report

The Odd Exploits of Admiral Richard E.Byrd: “Bitter Reality” at Earth’s End

I have been researching the most secretive Admiral Byrd and his exploits for over 29 years and I still find new facts and interesting leads. Here’s a good addition to our archives . . . EDITOR.

from The Gralien Report

Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, historic American icon famous for his explorations of the Earth’s polar extremities, was widely regarded during his lifetime as a pioneer and hero. A decorated naval officer, Byrd even received the Medal of Honor in 1926 for his alleged flight to the North Pole (though the legitimacy of this claim was later disputed by a number of researchers). However, in spite of the scientific and historic merit of Byrd’s achievements, there are less widely-publicized theories which suggest Byrd was onto something that went far deeper than his exploration of the surface world.

The fringe beliefs associated with Admiral Byrd’s exploits spin off in a variety of strange directions . . . Read complete report

Read my personal research into Admiral Byrd and his mysterious Rockefeller financed (for the most part) expeditions. including my research into the “Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd:Fact or Fiction?.” . .  Go DEEPER  Admiral Byrd/ Polar Mysteries . . . Dennis Crenshaw




UPDATE: We know where they are! Antarctic explorer says Russian scientists drilling at ‘alien’ underground lake are safe

We are keeping a close eye on this research.  I’m sure  the scientific information found in Lake Vostok will answer a lot of questions about our planet and the Antarctic. I just hope the information is passed along to the world. Unfortunately at least one early scientific study of Antarctica never got beyond the Controllers.

In 1936-37 Admiral Byrd headed the first Antarctic extensive scientific study. After returning to America Byrd handed all 17 of the books filled with scientific information about the expedition over to his financier, David Rockefeller.  Despite a large outcry from his many scientific partners the 17 books containing this information have never been seen again. . . EDITOR

Go DEEPER Admiral Byrd and the Polar Mysteries

We know where they are! Antarctic explorer says Russian scientists drilling at ‘alien’ underground lake are safe but still ‘working round the clock’ as polar winter looms

By Rob Cooper and Thomas Durante

Last updated at 3:10 AM on 6th February 2012

  • Antarctic summer will come to an end within days – team’s last chance to leave the station
  • Conditions in lake similar to lakes on moons of Saturn and Jupiter
  • Remote station recorded coldest-ever temperature on earth: -89C
  • Lake has had no contact with man-made pollutants or Earthly life forms for millions of years

An American professor and expert of the Antarctic said he believes contact with a team of Russian scientists that has not made contact with colleagues in the U.S for seven days has merely been busy as they drill into a lake buried beneath the Antarctic ice for 20 million years.

Professor John Priscu told in an email that the crews have been working ‘round the clock’ to beat the end of Antarctic summer, which ends Tuesday. Afterwards, temperatures will fall to deadly levels.

He said: ‘I can assure you that they are not lost or out of contact. I never said the Russians were lost.’

The scientists are currently battling conditions of up to minus 66C at Lake Vostok as they raced to drill into a lake buried two miles beneath the ice before the weather closed in. . . Read complete report

PREVIOUS POST: Russian scientists seeking Lake Vostok lost in frozen ‘Land of the Lost’? & Land of the Lost BONUS VIDEO (4 parts)

2012 Bilderberg Meeting Place

from Before it’s News

Bilderberg meeting in 2012 

(Please excuse the English … this is the English translation from an on-line translator)

(THEI EXCERPT rewritten by EDITOR at request of reader. Hope this helps)

The first notification about the Bilderberg meeting in 2012 has been announced.
The Bilderberg Group will meet in Haifa Israel, the third largest city in Israel, after 3 Jeruslalem and Tel Aviv.
The mayor of Haifa Jonah Jahaw will start with the security preparations soon. The last Bilderberg conference was the beginning of June 2011 in St. Moritz.

The elite Bilderberg Group always meets in a particular hotel, the upcoming meeting will  be held at the Hotel Rothschild!
The Rothschild Mansion in Haifa is naturally luxurious, however small compared to the hotel Suvretta in St. Moritz where last years meetings were held. So presumably this meeting will include only the cream of the elite.

A list of participants does not yet exist, however, we can assume that well-known figures like David Rockefeller . . . read complete report