THEI Selected Short Subject
Featured Image: Truck. CREDIT: Junior Libby SOURCE: Public
From youtube uploaded by godlovesrednecks on Sep 9, 2011
THEI Selected Short Subject
Featured Image: Truck. CREDIT: Junior Libby SOURCE: Public
From youtube uploaded by godlovesrednecks on Sep 9, 2011
Featured Image: Truckers Ride For the Constitution SOURCE Before it’s News
From Before it’s News Friday, October 11, 2013 7:55
By Susan Duclos
NOTE- If anyone has updated photos of this event and want them published in this article, email them to
Image: Trucker protest photo #1. CREDIT:Susan Ducolos.SOURCE: Before it’s News
For those unaware of what is going on, a quick intro. Truck drivers across the country are heading to Washington DC for the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution,” Facebook page for them can be found here. The event is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013, to shut down DC. Twitter hashtag #T2SDA.
[UPDATE From Truckes Ride for the Constituton – 10/12/13]
Everyone: Here is what we have: The trucks have made it downtown DC! 48 bobtails broke away and are in the heart of the city to stage a protest. Record rains, intervention by law enforcement along with confusing reports from rouge truckers hampered turn out but they are there and locals are cheering them on . Truckers are throwing full support to vets!
[Update] Bear with me folks, I am adding the photos as quick as I can save them, name them and open this article back up…. keep refreshing for more photos and videos— This article will be updated all weekend from the 11th-13th- Thank you, Susan. . .
Below will be continuous updates, photos, videos, news accounts, first person accounts from the Truckers’ themselves, so come back often.Read Complete Report with photos/video/and timely updates.
Published on Oct 10, 2013
On Thursday night, Megyn Kelly spoke to two people outraged over the government shutdown: a trucker organizing a protest, and a man who actually spent his time mowing the grass outside the Lincoln Memorial. . . . From Description published with video.
From youtube uploaded by RT America
Truckers Shutdown DC Highways & Demand Obama Leaves Office
Published on Oct 11, 2013
The government shutdown the World War II memorial, now truckers are shutting down America.
Official Truckers Protest Page LIVE! All Weekend
From youtube uploaded by marty lamb
From youtube uploaded by TeaPartyTruckers
Tea Party Truckers D.C. Protest!
Published on Sep 26, 2013
October 11th, 12th, & 13th 2013
Hard Working Truckers By The Masses Our Going To Ride Out To D.C.…
We The People!
Please Show Your Support By Liking Our Page.
Featured Image: Old Ford Truck and trailer. SOURCE: Desktop Nexus (Public Domain)
From youtube uploaded by Kevin Allan
Published on Sep 17, 2013
From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica
Truck goes airborne and explodes on highway
Published on Aug 5, 2013
Courtesy Benny Wright YouTube channel…
The Resistors Series:
Part 1 William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero
Who Controls Money? (1997) by Dennis Crenshaw
“Give me control over a nations money and I care not who makes its laws” . . . Baron M.A. Rothschild
We spend much of our energy trying to accumulate this elusive necessity, yet most of us have no understanding or how our money system works. We think those dirty little slips of paper with pictures of dead presidents on them represents our country’s wealth and are therefore our “money”. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, what we are talking about are Federal Reserve Notes. These notes are not lawful money! . . . Read Complete Report
In 1968 my step grandfather, Mr. Ethan Allen saw that I was interested in History and that I read all the time. With that knowledge he took me under his wing to educate me in secret history that almost no one knew at that time.
He had been a high ranking member of two secret societies but had quit them because he didn’t like the direction their knowledge was taking him. Among other things he taught me about the the Controllers secret plan to create a One World Order with the goal of enslaving the peoples of the world and the details of the Federal Reserve Scam and where it fit in that evil goal.
in the 1970’s I decided to take that knowledge further and learn all I could on the subjects. The first book I read in that research was Eustace Mullins “Secrets of The Federal Reserve”. Not only did I come away from that book with concrete information but I also was very impressed with the depth of his research. I realized that if I was going to pass my knowledge on to others I had to present solid documentation to back up what I was saying.
I consider Mr. Allen as my first mentor and Eustace Millins as my second. I hope I have lived up to their meticulous research disciplines. THEI and the documented information we pass on, in my mind, is dedicated to those two true patriots. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Image: Interest free 1860 Nation Currency of the United States.
Image: (Top) Non Interest bearing 1963 United States Note issued by JFK under Executive Order with no connection to the FED.
(Bottom) Interest bearing Federal Reserve note which is actually not money at all but part of the Controllers scam to rob Americans of our Country’s wealth.
Eustace Mullins
The Federal Reserve Scam
YouTube ~ GeorgeGreekTrucker
Eustace Mullins finding out exactly who is doing what to whom
YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice
From 1961 until 1963 I was a Medic in the 82nd Airborne. Every payday before paying the troops they had to go thru a “shot line” we would set up. We as medics wondered why we all needed from 4 to 6 shots almost every month. With a little digging one of my fellow medics found out that the military was using us to test new vaccinations. We medics decided this was ridiculous so we didn’t take the shots. We “penciled in” our shot records as though we had. During my time as a medic I realized that, although the troops in our charge were always coming down with colds, flu and other problems, we medics who didn’t take the shots never got sick. Strange?
I still do not take any shots or vaccinations except for insulin for my diabetes even though my family, friends and Doctors say I MUST take them. I did not go to a doctor in my whole life until my late 60’s. (I’m now 73). Other than a mild cold or sore throat now and then I Have never been seriously ill. . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.
Image Below: Thanx to David Dees
Eustace Mullins – Who Are The Quacks? The AMA on Trial
YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice
Global Sciences Congress, January 1990, Tampa Florida.
Eustace Mullins – The Rape of Justice, Court Procedures & The Law
Image: Justice is Blind.
YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice
One of Eustace Mullins’ best lectures. Filmed by Wes Mann during one of Eustace’s two lectures for the 3rd Festival of the Ages in Salmon Arm BC, Canada, August 2000.
A Wes Mann/Conspiracy King Production. A Better Quality DVD is available from Wes Mann at
Eustace Mullins – Clinton’s Place in the New World Order
YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice
Global Sciences Congress, Denver, August 1993.
At the end of this lecture given in August 1993 Mr. Mullins fills us in on the Hillary Clinton Controllers Medical Plan. As history shows us it didn’t become the law of the land. So knowing the way the Controllers work . . . What do you think Obamacare is based on? . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Next Sunday 4/23/2017 ~ THEI Eyeball’s The Resistors Part 3:
Looking Back: The Mother of all Conspiracy Researchers, Mae Brussel
Dig a Little DEEPER: More Eustace Mullins Videos
“Illuminati” Skull and Bones Bilderburg Bohemian Grove
“Weather Manipulation” Monsanto
Roots of the Controllers Part 1: The House of Rothschild (full Video)
Roots of the Controllers #2: The Secret Society of Freemasons (W/Full Video)
(Part 2) Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars
(Part 3) The Dulles Brothers, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination
(Part 4) CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’s Fake News
(Part 5) Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030
[Shadow Government] Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent ~ CIA Drug Running Over the Years
Featured Image: MRAP, FPI Cougar HE in testing. CREDIT United States Department of Defense SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
From youtube uploaded by Bobby Powell
Published on Oct 25, 2013
Image: The first shipments of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles arrived at Camp Liberty in western Baghdad. CREDIT: PD-USGOV-MILITARY. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
Using secondary roads and traveling only at night, truckers from more than a dozen four truck convoys have made their way from the west coast to Camp Grayling in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula where they unloaded their cargo: More than 100 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles – MRAPs. . . From Description published with video.
From youtube uploaded by TEApublican·
Storming Lincoln
Published on Oct 3, 2013
With the government currently shut down, it’s an understatement to say that emotions are running high.
From youtube uploaded by 68Truthseeker
WATCH Americans Storm Obama’s Barricades At The Lincoln Memorial
Published on Oct 12, 2013
The US government has been shut down several times. What makes this shutdown different is that Barack Obama spent taxpayer dollars to erect barricades at national monuments to keep the American public out.
From youtube uploaded by Gadsden Films
Hired Goons at Independence Hall
Published on Oct 8, 2013
With the government shut down, private security is keeping citizens away from historical landmarks like Independence Hall.
From youtube uploaded by MichaelSavage4Prez
Million Veteran March – Fed Up Veterans Marching on Memorials – 10/13/13
Published on Oct 13, 2013
Today, October 13, 2013 is a banner day, not only is it the last day of the Truckers Ride for the Constitution in DC but it is also the 1 Million Veteran March on the nations Memorials that the obama administration has shut down as part of the government shutdown, in some cases spending more to shut them down and lock out nation’s veterans out, than it would have cost to keep them open.
Photo: Satellite image of Switzerland in October 2002 (22-10-2002). Cropped image, original taken from NASA’s Visible Earth
From youtube uploaded by CivilDigital
Published on Feb 21, 2012
To most of the world, the majestic Alps present a scene of wonder. But to European merchants and truckers, they present a troublesome and costly roadblock. Enter the ambitious AlpTransit Tunnel.
Photo: This car drives itself. The passengers are being chauffeured by computer. Seen at the VAIL autonomous driving and parking demonstration at Stanford this weekend. The roof is festooned with spinning LIDAR and cameras, feeding into the server farm in the trunk. With more processing power, I’m guessing that the expensive laser rangefinders will be less essential as the 2D video cameras alone can render a 3D map of the world, much like our brain. The next generation may wonder why we wasted 80% of the carrying capacity of our highways, why truckers fell asleep, or what all the fuss was about parallel parking. CREDIT Steve Jurvetson SOURCE and DESCRIPTION above: Wikipedia. ( Public Domain)
From Science Daily
Jan. 28, 2013 — Autonomous, driverless vehicles look set to hit the streets in the near future and become increasingly common, so UK researchers have investigated algorithms that could help developers include escape manoeuvres to allow such vehicles to quickly and safely switch lanes to avoid collisions with other road users.
Writing in the aptly namedInternational Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Matthew Best of the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough University, in Leicestershire, discusses the optimisation of a vehicle’s standard brake, acceleration and steering control inputs in the context of avoiding collisions. . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube posted by deutschewelleenglish Uploaded on Aug 3, 2011