Search results for The Earth

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

THRIVE Movement Published on Apr 5, 2012

Film Synopsis:
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Best if Watched in FULL SCREEN mode.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Energy, Federal Reserve Scam,  Monsanto. Big Pharmaceutical, Education Oil Control

The Controllers 

The Rockefeller’s

The Rothchilds

Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Drops

Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Drops

Youtube ~ Igor Kryan

Published on Jul 17, 2017
Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Level Drops. Everything you are about to see is real. This is Kryan Channel Most Serious Video. Something never seen before is happening. Millions of giant sinkholes opened around the globe within the past few years. Yes, you heard it right – millions. Some blamed weather, some stated that hollow earth theory is proven, some said that CERN created a mini black hole inside Earth, some blamed aliens from outer space, others demons from hell. I thought its because of excessive fracking and mining and I went to the oil rig to investigate only to be proven wrong because sinkholes seemed to evenly distributed around the world and not concentrate around fracking and mining places. Russian Siberia, Brazilian Jungle, Frozen Antarctica and African Sahara have thousands of new sinkholes open without any fraking or mining there. I talk to the engineer in charge of multi million dollar seabed mining sonar vessel who has PhD is geophysics. He told me that what we are seeing on earth is just the tip of the iceberg, for one sinkhole opening on earth there are at least 4 underwater according to his sonar and this process accelerated geometrically within the last couple of years. I asked him what he thinks causing it. He looked at me and said – the only logical explanation is that CERN created mini Black Hole inside Earth. However, I disagreed with him I have discovered something even scarier than a black hole inside Earth created by CERN. Hold your breath, but first watch how those monsters are decimating our planet. Here is what is happening now. Scientists predicted that ocean level will rise by 2 feet by 2020 comparatively to 1900s because of Global Warming. Instead, we are seeing almost 1 foot drop. We have a grotto in San Francisco beach near Seal Rocks that was only possible to reach during the lowest tide in 1990s without getting wet. I used to wait for the low tide to go there. Now it is assessable during any tide 24/7. Moreover, last month I was able to reach Seal Rocks by feet – it was never possible before. Where all the water gone? The thing is that we live on the aging planet and its core is cooling, shrinking and contracting, forcing magma to retreat deeper, leaving hollow spaces inside the earth crust into the newly formed cracks and reservoirs. The ocean water occupies these newly formed sinkholes and spaces also draining down closer to earth magma, exposing more of the ocean floor. New islands forming in the ocean and more land getting exposed. This island just raised from the ocean in Caribbean within a couple of years and don’t even have a name yet. The earth crust also cooling, shrinking and contracting forming new cracks and sinkholes. And this process accelerated in geometrical progression within the last few years. In time all water will be drained from the Earth surface and Earth will be resembling Mars. But before that and very soon, probably within your lifetime, something very dramatic will happen that will create an extinction event similar to the one that happened 250 million years ago. Permian–Triassic extinction. It was the worst in all history because almost 99% of species were lost forever and 99.9% of all earth life went extinct. Life today descended from 1% of the surviving species. As it is today, earth core started to cool down and earth crust cracked like a boiled eggs with trillions gallons of cold ocean water pouring inside newly formed earth cavities and once they reached hot magma – the volcanic magma explosion was so powerful that pieces of the planet were literally thrown to outer space. Possibly, visions some of you including me having of the receded ocean and miles of empty ocean floor exposed are about to come true. All those sinkholes are just the beginning of the end, much bigger fissures are opening at the ocean floor. Once one will be big enough the earth curst will crack again around its ring of fire like a boiled egg. The volcanic magma explosion like hit of 10 mile wide asteroid will create nearly life all on earth following by world earthquake magnitude 12 or higher and 5,000 feet tall tsunami. Why now? Why those sinkholes, cracks and fissures formation skyrocketed within the last few years? Why Earth waited 250 million years? Perhaps, it’s a coincidence, perhaps, it’s a karma for human mistreating its mother earth, perhaps it’s the answer to Biblical prophecy of apocalypse, perhaps, it’s the theory that Earth his the one large organism who has it’s ways to get rid of any invading parasitic species once they overdevelop, perhaps, it’s the answer why we cannot find many developed alien civilizations around us, perhaps, it is all together. We might never know for sure, but the fact is we are being terra-formed from the inside. And by the time it took you watch to this point of the video 11 new sink holes opened around the planet.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Sink Holes

Hollow Earth vs Honeycomb Earth & Inner Earth Civilizations – Corey Goode

Featured Image: Deep Cave. Source: Desktop Download This Desktop Background “Deep Cave” In High Resolution For Free! Download Original Resolution



Hollow Earth vs Honeycomb Earth & Inner Earth Civilizations – Corey Goode

YouTube ~ SphereBeing Alliance

Published on Apr 14, 2017

Corey Goode in Kona, Hawaii discussing the Inner Earth Civilizations and the Secret Space Program.

Dig a Little Deeper: Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds

Life Might Exist At The Deepest Point On Earth, And What That Means For Aliens On Mars

Life Might Exist At The Deepest Point On Earth, And What That Means For Aliens On Mars

Featured Image: The Mariana Trench by by J.Sun. Fair Use.

International Business Times  ON


Scientists may have found evidence of life underneath the deepest point in the ocean, and that could be good news for anyone hoping to discover aliens on other planets.

It’s not life forms themselves that the researchers dug up, rather it is organic matter that could have been created by a microbe of some kind. They found those traces in samples of rock that came from a point beneath the seafloor near the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, the lowest underwater point on Earth. “We cannot pinpoint the exact origin of the organic matter,” their study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says, but it is entirely possible that life exists down there. . . Read Complete Report w/video

Diagram Source: Wikipedia ~ Mariana Arc

Cross section of the Mariana Arc showing the Mariana Trench. The diagram was generated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration following the 2004 Pacific Ring of Fire expedition.

Dr. Robert W. Embley—PMEL/NOAA


Do many of the UfOs We see in our skies come from Earth? Part 1

Skywatchers 3.21.07







I will be a guest on Skywatchers Radio tomorrow, Tuesday, Mar 21 at 11 PM to Mar 22 at 1 AM EASTERN Daylight Saving Time. I will be discussing The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State including my findings of the Shadow Government fingerprints all over the UFO cover-up. . Join us and call in. . . Dennis

Do many of the UFOs We see in our skies come from Earth?

I have been investigating the UFO/Earthly connection since the 1980’s and I say yes!

I am now working on my next book working title, “The Hollow Earth Insider Final Report: The Earthly Origin Of UFOs” As many of us who look at the UFO mystery know it has long been known the UFOs have been seen coming out of, or hovering over, bodies of water, mountains and other earthly places.  It is also a fact that UFOs are ALWAYS seen in earth’s atmosphere – you never see reports of UFOs seen from our powerful telescopes coming from deep outer space, although many small and large asteroids and meteors HAVE been seen in outer space. 

We also know that during World war II many of the NAZI scientists who were working on such craft were brought to America under the secretive Operation Paperclip. Many of these scientists were also taken by the soviets following World War II.

And a real possibility that  advanced civilizations from Earth, or other planets or dimensions, have bases on or inside of our planet  

 I will be posting some of my 40 year research findings in future reports here on THEI and have included 2 on my past reports here, however this report will mainly be concerned with  a few reports available on the subject here on the internet. . . . your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

THEI Archive: UFO’s Extraterrestrial or Co-Planetarian Part 1: The Eyewitnesses    (1995) by Dennis Crenshaw 

For the last 50 years scientists, “Urologists” and several 3-letter Government agencies have been asking the question, “Do UFOs Exist?” Of course, by concentrating on that question  they continue to ignore the evidence. This series will examine what we know, what we don’t know and what “they” don’t want us to know.

Many criminals have been sent to prison and even death row because of one eyewitness, yet when it comes to the subject of UFO activity 372,697,750 witnesses are not enough. . . .      Read Complete Report

Best Book on the subject : Secret of the Ages: UFOs From Inside the Earth Paperback   (amazon)                      July 8, 1976
by Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Author)

Secret of the ages2In a groundbreaking and controversial classic, one of the world’s most famous UFO researchers argues that the Hollow Earth theory has a sound basis in fact!

Even more startling, the massive tunnel systems that honeycomb our planet may well be intimately connected with the UFO phenomenon, which has perplexed, frightened, and fascinated mankind throughout recorded history.

Brinsley Le Poer Trench, editor of Europe’s most prestigious UFO magazine, “Flying Saucer Review,” has never been afraid to seek out and speak out. This is one of the most revolutionary studies of UFOs ever published, as it presents a staggering new theory of the origin of unidentified flying objects, which covers questions such as: . . . Read Complete Description


TrenchTHEI Archive: Brinsley Le Poer Trench: 1911 – 1995 the Open Minded Skeptic
a tribute by Dennis Crenshaw   From: THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER Vol. 3 # 3

Plato, Haley, Euler, Symmes, Reed, Gardner, Shaver, Palmer and Bernard; all names well known as proponents of what is commonly and collectively known as The Hollow Earth Theory.

Brinsley Le Poer Trench, although lesser know, was just as important. Long an outspoken opponent of government secrecy, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, who was also England’s Earl of Clancarty, using his position in the House of Lords, spent the last 30 years of his life trying to get the United Kingdom to release its files on UFOs and to awaken other people to the possible threat from dangerous Co-Planetarians who inhabit Earth’s subterranean worlds. However, I believe his greatest contribution to the search for truth was his personal demonstration of open-mindedness. As an example for those who are closed-minded skeptics there is no equal. . . .Read Complete Report



Most mainstream scientists don’t like to consider the possibility that intelligent extraterrestrial life might find us first. They prefer to equate UFOs with silly ideas about “little green men,” and dismiss all claims of human/alien encounter here on earth as hoaxes or flights of fancy. However, opinion polls consistently show that about half of all adults in America think it is possible that earth has been visited, or will be visited, by technically advanced extraterrestrials. Of course, some people are sure they have already met extraterrestrials — some even say they have been “abducted” against their will by aliens in a UFO. While such claims may sound crazy, a growing number of researchers and mental health professionals are starting to take them seriously. . . Read Complete Report

Unsealed Alien Files S04E13 Summer of Saucers

From YouTube ~Posted by Mike B

Unsealed Alien Files S04E12 UFOs From Earth

YouTube ~ Posted by Mike B

Others Thoughts: UFOs Are From Earth, Not Space                                                    Forums Controversial Topics

Do UFOs really come from other galaxies, or are they just secret weapons developed here on earth? It seems odd to me that they always seem to show up on or very near to secret military installations.

Of course the ultimate cover for secret weapons testing is to say “these things belong to Martians – not us” and hope that someone will believe you.

So, are we really being visited by little green (or grey perhaps) men, or are UFOs from Earth – just part of the electro-gravity research efforts that have been continuing since the mid forties?

Forum Entrys


Dig a Little DEEPER: UFO Enclosure  Space

“The Deepest Place On Earth” Amazing Full Documentary 2015

Featured Image: Map of the Mariana Trench. Credit: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.  Attribution: I, Kmusser SOURCE: Wikipedia. (CC BY 2.5)

Best if viewed in FULL SCREEN Mode. Enjoy!. . .EDITOR

youtube by ncredible Videos HD

Published on Jan 25, 2015

Suscribe For More Amazing Videos !!…

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive ~ Another view “Expanding Earth Theory”          “Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds”

THEI Headline of the Century! Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth

Featured Image: Hollow Earth diagram. Credit: Max Fyfield. Used with permission. 

Submitted by long time Hollow Earth Insider ‘Jeff’

Over the past 25 years I, along with many other researchers from around the world, have been investigating the centuries old belief that INSIDE our earth was an ancient world. The two underworld theories we have been looking at for a possible answer are known as the Hollow Earth Theory (THEI) and passed down from generation to generation oral legends of Subterranean Worlds and the giants and small people that come to the surface from time to time….

As we here at THEI have been noticing and posting for a long time; there have been scientific findings that have caused the corporate funded establishment scientists to have to make drastic changes to wiggle any new scientific information to “fit” the accepted theory of the makeup of our earth.

The belief that the deeper you go the hotter it gets. . .  or the one that the pressure will crush you. Both of these beliefs can be scientifically challenged. And as we learn more and more about our strange, mysterious planet and the underground that exist right below our feet, the information causes the establishment scientists, to struggle to try to make the new findings fit into the accepted theory of the make-up of our planet.

volii-6-a.jpgImage: Cover of Vol. 2 #6 The Hollow Earth Insider. Credit: Max Fyfield. Source: THEI Archive. 

Yet, strangely, these same new findings seen to fit right into the Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds

An example is the report we published just 3 days ago, Hollow Earth Theory MAJOR UPDATE: Inner Ocean Found! in which we reported on the finding of an Ocean, “a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over”, inside our Earth.

Now, just 3 days later, this piece of amazing info which should add validity to the ancient worlds theories . . . or at least change the direction of scientific study about the makeup of earth. . . or, probably not.

Maybe we can watch as the controllers zombie’s try some kind of smoke and mirrors like they did when they tried to  turn the inner sun into a planet . a “planet within a planet” they called the core.  I still Shake my head when I think of that. The damn core gives off heat and light and its spinning freely of the earth.  Look in any dictionary. The core is actually a small inner sun. It’s really a “Sun within the planet”. Why wan’t the controllers yes men Admit it. . .Anyway, enough ranting.

But I will say that to us here at The NEW Hollow Earth Insider this will be the headline of the 21st.Century. It’s been a long time coming.  Rejoice Dear Hearts! . .  EDITOR


From The Mind Unleashed by  on 24 June, 2014 at 21:52

Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth

A team of Harvard scientists may have found an indication that a portion of an ancient Earth exists inside our planet’s mantle.

A study presented at the Goldschmidt conference in Sacramento, California, claims that the previously inexplicable isotope ratio from the depths of the Earth may be an “echo” of the ancient Earth that existed before the collision with another celestial body, which is estimated to have led to the formation of the Moon 4.5 billion years ago. . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive: A different Theory “Expanding Planet”

 “Science”  “Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds”


The Deepest Place On Earth- Full Documentary

Featured Image:Map showing the location of the Mariana Trench, designed as a replacement for en:Image:Mariana_trench_location.jpg. Attribution: I, Kmusser Source: Wikipedia Commons This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.

by EducationalDocumentary Published on Apr 23, 2014

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Oceans Deep”


Hollow Earth Theory MAJOR UPDATE: Inner Ocean Found!

This could be – no it is – the most important positive scientific discovery in my 50 odd years of Hollow Earth Research . . . EDITOR

Featured Image: “Earth like an Onion” (Fair Use) Artwork with report below.

Note the “extra” layer indicating “a ocean” added. Once again . . . the accepted theory will have to be changed whereas the Hollow Earth Theory only has to check-off on a stated fact. This ocean just happens to be where the Hollow Earth Theory claims it would be…. now if you add a little land. . . . and oh. What about the fact that the earth is nothing but a big water filter.  Where have you heard that before? Oh, happy days! . . . EDITOR 

ExtremeTech By on June 17, 2014 at 9:44 am

Scientists discover an ocean 400 miles beneath our feet that could fill our oceans three times over

After decades of theorizing and searching, scientists are reporting that they have finally found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth’s mantle — a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over. This discovery suggests that Earth’s surface water actually came from within, as part of a “whole-Earth water cycle,” . . . Read Complete Report


youtube by PBS NewsHour

Secret ocean 300 miles below the earth

Streamed live on Jun 14, 2014

Conversation with Professor Steven Jacobsen – Geophysicist at Northwestern University on the latest findings by he and fellow researchers about the potential for a very large reservoir of water (in its molecular form) 400-600 kilometers beneath the earth.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive

“Accepted Scientific Evidence supporting The Hollow Earth Theory”

Globalists Are Building Hell On Earth

Featured Image: Alex Jones,NY. CREDIT: 911conspiracy Source : Wikipedia (Public Domain)

youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Sept 18, 2014

Alex Jones discusses the continued downward spiral of the world and how the globalists’ plans are unfolding.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Alex Jones”