MYSTERY NASA Tapes Found In Dead Engineer’s Basement 7/16/17
YouTube ~ secureteam10 Published on Jul 16, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: NASA
MYSTERY NASA Tapes Found In Dead Engineer’s Basement 7/16/17
YouTube ~ secureteam10 Published on Jul 16, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: NASA
Featured Image: The planet Mars. SOURCE. NASA (Public Domain)
youtube by ESA By David Szondy February 17, 2015
16 February 2015
Plumes seen reaching high above the surface of Mars are causing a stir among scientists studying the atmosphere on the Red Planet.
On two separate occasions in March and April 2012, amateur astronomers reported definite plume-like features developing on the planet. . . . Read Complete Report
Mars Underground Project
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Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
Mystery sonic booms shaking homes from the United Kingdom to the USA at exactly the same time despite being 3,000 miles apart were reported by residents over the weekend. We listen to video of the mysterious loud noises and explore the speculation ranging from military experiments to meteorites exploding as to what caused them in this Lip News clip with Mark Sovel and Elliot Hill.
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Mysterious Booms” “Mystery Sounds”
Featured Image: Great Blue Sinkhole, Belize. (Public Domain) Rated the #1 sinkhole in the world. From The Ten Most Amazing Sinkholes in The World , “The Great Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize. The circular sinkhole measures 300 meters across and 124 meters deep and is in the center of the Lighthouse Reef.” . . . continue
youtube by NoLinkNewsChannel Published on Sep 9, 2014
Dig a little Deeper ~ THEI Archive Underwater Mysteries
Featured Image: Jack the Ripper. One of a series of images from the Illustrated London News for October 13, 1888 carrying the overall caption, “With the Vigilance Committee in the East End”. This specific image is entitled “A Suspicious Character”. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
youtube uploaded by DAHBOO77
Published on Sep 8, 2014
It is the greatest murder mystery of all time, a puzzle that has perplexed criminologists for more than a century and spawned books, films and myriad theories ranging from the plausible to the utterly bizarre.
But now, thanks to modern forensic science, The Mail on Sunday can exclusively reveal the true identity of Jack the Ripper, the serial killer responsible for at least five grisly murders in Whitechapel in East London during the autumn of 1888.
DNA evidence has now shown beyond reasonable doubt which one of six key suspects commonly cited in connection with the Ripper’s reign of terror was the actual killer – and we reveal his identity.
Dig a little DEEPER ~THEI Archive “Mystery”
Featured Image: Needle Galaxy Edge on and Up-Close. SOURCE: NASA (Public-Domain)
From Ideas, Inventions And Innovations
An object discovered by astrophysicists at the University of Toronto (U of T) nearly 500 light years away from the Sun may challenge traditional understandings about how planets and stars form.
The object is located near and likely orbiting a very young star about 440 light years away from the Sun, and is leading astrophysicists to believe that there is not an easy-to-define line between what is and is not a planet. . . . Read Complete Report
Featured Image: Boeing 737 prototype. CREDIT: 737-100_K14245.jpg: Boeing Dreamscape. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons ( Public Domain)
From youtube uploaded by Polly Hale on May 5, 2013
Weekly Underground Report #7
Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL’
Mystery ‘Thing’ In Seattle Tunnel – Long Lost Civilization? (Video Reports)
Friday, December 13, 2013 6:39 Before it’s News
By Susan Duclos
Image: Head of the S-210 Tunnel boring machine used to excavate the eastern tube of the Gotthard Base tunnel between Bodio and Faido, Canton Ticino, Switzerland
(all roll chisels have already been removed, picture taken 10 days after breakthrough into multi-function station Faido, 2000 m of rock overhead, diameter is 8.80 m / 29 ft., length of the TBM is 400 m / 1312 ft.) CREDIT: Head of the S-210 Tunnel boring machine used to excavate the eastern tube of the Gotthard Base tunnel between Bodio and Faido, Canton Ticino, Switzerland. CREDIT: Cooper.ch 16:58, 19 September 2006 (UTC) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (hereby released under CC-BY-SA-2.5)
Sky Valley Chronicle is asking if the mystery “thing” blocking “Bertha” (the giant boring machine that’s drilling the new Highway 999 tunnel under Seattle) is a buried UFO or evidence of an long lost civilization. Videos found about this mysterious blockage are asking if it is alien intervention, but no answers are forthcoming as of yet. . . . Read Complete Report
According to a USA Today report by Matt Cantor, dated 12/14/13:
Life may have originated miles underground
The idea of a “primordial soup,” in which life theoretically began in lakes and oceans, may be way off.
New studies suggest the beginnings of life on this planet could have occurred deep underground, the Independent reports. . . . Read Complete Report
(NEWSER) – Prepare for a head trip: The universe may actually be a hologram and everything you see an illusion, according to new research that could prove gravity comes from thin, vibrating strings—holograms of events in a simpler, flatter cosmos . . . Read Complete Report
And while on the subject of Meteor’s:
August 7, 2012: Anyone who’s ever seen a noctilucent cloud or “NLC” would agree: They look alien. The electric-blue ripples and pale tendrils of NLCs reaching across the night sky resemble something from another world.
Researchers say that’s not far off. A key ingredient for the mysterious clouds comes from outer space. . . . Read Complete Report
5MIN News December 13, 2013 GEMINID METEOR SHOWER IT’S UNDERWAY Universe A Hologram tatoott1009
More to Come . . . You are leaving the ‘TAL’ Zone.
Featured Image: John McAfee from “For Your Consideration: Microsoft ‘s CEO search could end with John McAfee” article on McAfee’s personal web page, Who is McAfee? (Fair Use)
From youtube uploaded by Journeyman Pictures
Published on Nov 18, 2013
International playboy John McAfee finally discusses Belize murder allegations.