Tag Archive for president

Arizona Sheriff Stands Up to President Obama and Gun Control Lobby, Plans to Refuse All Unconstitutional Gun Bans (Video Report)

From The IntelHub

By Alex Thomas
January 25, 2012

Pinal County Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu has penned and sent a letter to President Obama that outlines the fact that Babeu plans to refuse any and all unconstitutional executive orders that limit or ban the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans in his county.

Babeu claims that any such law would actually be unlawful and that him and his deputies plan to ignore it. . . . Read Complete Report

President’s pot comments prompt call for policy

From MercuryNews.com
By Paul Elias

Associated Press

Posted:   12/15/2012 07:21:03 AM PST
Updated:   12/15/2012 07:21:05 AM PST

SAN FRANCISCO — President Barack Obama says he won’t go after pot users in Colorado and Washington, two states that just legalized the drug for recreational use. But advocates argue the president said the same thing about medical marijuana — and yet U.S. attorneys continue to force the closure of dispensaries across the U.S.

Welcome to the confusing and often conflicting policy on pot in the U.S., where medical marijuana is legal in many states, but it is increasingly difficult to grow, distribute or sell it. And at the federal level, at least officially, it is still an illegal drug everywhere. . . . Read Complete Report


from Ground Zero 

Today as I was preparing for the show I was reading European periodicals on the internet. As I waded through the typical post election stories there was a headline that caught my eye out of Russia. The various talk shows in Russia have been discussing American politics and Barack Obama came up. Russia and Europe now sees Barack Obama as some sort of esoteric figure one that is quite important in the big picture.

The Barack Obama apotheosis no longer remains in the United States but has now spread to Europe and Russia. However the apotheosis is not in the idea of Obama being America’s savior but the man who will take the United States into a new era of World Government.

The word throughout Europe is that Barack Obama is the World leader capable of selling the United States on the idea of a World order and the European super state. . . . Read Complete Report

Romney Obama the Same? “There’s not a dimes worth of difference” (w/video)

I don’t know why those who claim to be conservative refuse to see that no matter whether it’s Obama or Romney. in the end, we’ll have the same results . . . no change . . . continuing down the same road to destruction. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. America’s last chance is Ron Paul. The Republicans had a chance to save our liberty but are too dumb as a group to see it. Read my lips, Romney and Obama answer to the same masters, the Controllers. . . .EDITOR

from AP

Who’s who? Obama, Romney projecting mirror image

By CONNIE CASS, Associated Press – 15 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — He’s a smug, Harvard-trained elitist who doesn’t get how regular Americans are struggling these days. More extreme than he lets on, he’s keeping his true agenda hidden until after Election Day. He’s clueless about fixing the economy, over his head on foreign policy. Who is he?

Your answer will help decide the next president.

Is it Barack Obama, as seen by Mitt Romney? Or Romney, the way Obama depicts him? For all their liberal versus conservative differences, when the two presidential contenders describe each other, they sound like they’re ragging on the same flawed guy. Or mirror images of that guy.

Will voters prefer the man waving with his left hand or his right? . . . Read Complete Article


from youtube  uploaded by WeAreRonPaul2012

Romney Vs Obama – Same Issues, Same Answers!

UPDATED: Published on Apr 23, 2012 by channel4truth2012