Search results for "9/11"

Propaganda is Entertainment, Entertainment is Propaganda: Part 3: Television – Weapon of Mass Distraction

Propaganda is Entertainment Series:

Part 1: The “Magic World” of Walt Disney

Part 2: Part 2 Operation Hollywood


25 year CIA and FBI vet doesn’t watch t.v.

Published on Sep 12, 2013

Mudd admits he doesn’t watch t.v. because it “turns your brain to cotton candy”… why would he say that unless it’s completely true? Did he learn of mind control techniques?

YouTube ~ jcarroll5006

Don’t Watch Television – ITM – Documentary

YouTube ~ donterrer

“Muslim Travel Ban!” NOT!!

Muslim Travel Ban! NOT!!

by Rick Osmon

To believe the news channels you would think President Trump had ordered mass murder. Or that he had at least banned all travel to the US by muslims.

For anyone who relies on ANY talking head on MSM to interpret the meaning of anything major, shame on you for your laziness. If it’s something that really matters, I always go read the primary source and I re-read it and interpret it for myself. Sadly, the new Whitehouse hasn’t gotten around to publishing that one yet at the time of my writing, so, sadly, I’m relying on a *gasp* MSM as a reliable source of the text. In this rare case, it’s CNN. Maybe the Whitehouse Web Master has Sundays off. No where in the EO does it ban immigration. Or refugees. It allows for case by case for those in true dire need. What it does is put the State Department and Department of Homeland Security on the hook to fix the damn vetting system forthwith. And make it capable of serious, comprehensive vetting for hundreds of thousands of refugees. And it sets benchmarks for the performance of those departmental tasks, feasible if not easy ones. And gives those department 60 days to do so. It also puts a 90 day hold on new visas from select countries until they, the departments, can straighten out what’s wrong and fix it. And 120 day delay in accepting refugees. Honest, that’s what it says. It says nothing about extending the time limits nor the conditions of the tasks nor the visa hold or any conditions that might lead to a change there. It did task those agencies to make sure that if anyone was vetted by a foreign state under false pretenses would understand exactly how such an act would affect relations between our two nations, maybe not in those exact terms, but the idea is clearly there. That is a very well placed, but unsaid bit of foreign policy :
“(e) After the 60-day period described in subsection (d) of this section expires [the task completion time for the departments – Rick], the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the President a list of countries recommended for inclusion on a Presidential proclamation that would prohibit the entry of foreign nationals (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas) from countries that do not provide the information requested pursuant to subsection (d) of this section until compliance occurs.

(f) At any point after submitting the list described in subsection (e) of this section, the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Homeland Security may submit to the President the names of any additional countries recommended for similar treatment”
That is freaking brilliant! It puts both departments on notice to not only fix this, but to work together to accomplish that. And it tasks those departments to at least try to get the other governments, you know, the seven on the list, to cooperate. It also puts seven countries on notice to get their act together about either state supported terrorism or passive support or prepare to be isolated.

The emergency stay for the two guys at JFK issued by the Brooklyn Fed judge would be under the clause about case by case and dire need. An emergency stay has a time limit. So do the Depatments of State and of Homeland Security.

Hey, read it for yourself and let me know if and where you disagree. Read it HERE. Or better yet, oops. Whitehouse website still dark on this one. HERE

At least ABC’s coverage of everything is, oddly, some of the most “well rounded” for the issue
See that HERE

Trump added three to the already existing 2011 list because of reccommedations from the departments. The State Department can offer recommendations for additions or removals to that list.
The New York Federal Court placed a temporary,”emergency stay” for two men who were turned down for entry, who also happened to have green cards. At least one is already released. The judge did not “strike down” any part of the EO. As for it being overturned by ANY court capable of making it stick, it has never yet happened.


KELLYANNE CONWAY: I was stopped many times – weren’t you? – after 9/11. I didn’t resemble or share a name with or be part of any kind of terrorist conspiracy. But this is what we do to keep a nation safe. I mean, there are – this whole idea that they’re being separated and ripped from their families – it’s temporary. And it’s just circumstantial in terms of whether you’re one of those 300 and some who was already on an aircraft or trying to get an aircraft, as opposed to the over 3,000 children who will be forevermore separated from the parents who perished on 9/11.

Weapons of Mass Distraction in Iraq

magnifying-glass-wood-handle Free Clipart Public DomainWeapons of Mass Distraction in Iraq


by Rick Osmon

Rick Osmon 2

According to the New York Times, documents obtained under Freedom of Information Act indicate that some 5,100 munitions containing chemical and nerve agent compounds were destroyed by coalition troops during the occupation. But Saddam Hussein’s regime possessed on the order of 50,000 such munitions which it received in deals with Russia between about 1979 and 1991. Many of these “Munitions are unaccounted for in areas of Iraq now under control of ISIS”, says the NYT (in a sidebar).

As you will see below, both sides of the aisles in both Houses of Congress had the same info (provided by CIA, NSA, and MI6) before voting to invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein. And that info existed before the first Iraqi war.

Iraq used chemical and nerve agents at least ten times between 1979 and 1991, including against Iraqi citizens in Kurdish territories and against Iranian soldiers. They may have used a few mustard gas munitions in Kuwait as well.

In Kurdistan, they used Russian made “yellow rain” nerve agents on entire small cities of their own citizens, killing thousands, including women and children. They were preparing giant chemical artillery shells for launch from the Bull gun (Project Babylon) that could reach Israel from western Iraq.

What about Iraqi “bio-weapons”?
(from Wikipedia)

Rihab Rashid Taha al-Azawi (born 1957) is an Iraqi microbiologist, dubbed Dr. Germ by United Nations weapons inspectors, who worked in Saddam Hussein‘s biological weapons program. A 1999 report commissioned by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) named her as one of the world’s most dangerous women. Dr Taha admitted producing germ warfare agents but said they had been destroyed.

Dr. Rihab Rashida Taha ranks among the most important of a new breed of Third World weapons designers who were highly nationalistic, western-educated and willing to violate any international norms or scientific ethics. Taha worked hard to contribute to Iraqi weapons program although she was not a gifted student as Dr. John Turner, the head of the university’s biology department in England, recalls. As a result of Taha’s hard work she became known as the mother of all third world biological weapons programs. It was Taha who sold the idea of an Iraqi biological weapons program to Saddam Hussein and was given an award for her work in biological weapons, specifically the development of anthrax and botulinum weapons by Saddam Hussein. Moreover, she has been held up as an example to Iraqi women interested in science.

Taha first rose to prominence in the Western media after being named in a 2003 British intelligence dossier, released to the public by Prime Minister Tony Blair, on Iraq’s biological, chemical and nuclear capability. The dossier alleged that Taha had played a leading role in the manufacture of anthrax and other biological agents. It was this dossier that triggered the chain of events that led to the death of British UN weapons inspector David Kelly, who was accused of telling a BBC reporter that some of the intelligence had been manipulated.

What of other microbiologists who might have had both qualifications and connections to weaponization efforts?

From (What Really Happened?)  As many as 14 world-class microbiologists died between 9/11/1 and 3/2/2, and on 6/24/2 yet another microbiologist was added to the list.”

David Kelly would be added to the list in 2004. Since then, another 21 prominent scientists, researchers, and administrators in the field have suffered similar circumstances or strange deaths or disappearances.
Dead Scientists and Microbiologists Master List (Rense). And that is just up to January, 2005

And what of “Doctor Germ”, Rihab Rashid Taha? She is free. But we won’t have to worry much about her supporting ISIS. Women with an education are an abomination in the eyes of ISIS.

There are other, more worrisome facts than Taha, though. And closer to home.
9,000 Virus Vials Missing from US Army Lab at Fort Detrick, MD

Another Type of Bio Weapon

The so-called “Ethnic Bomb” has been a goal in biological warfare labs since at least WWII. It was also the central theme of several science fiction and thriller novels, including one by Dune author, Frank Herbert

From “Signs Of The Times” (

“But the scientist who was working to make this possible, microbiologist Ri, has vanished after leaving his lab complex deep underground in the Chuba-ri Chemical Corp. in the city of Anbyon. The site is heavily guarded.

“Ri was last seen in his lab late in June(2003). On the last weekend of that month, he said he was going to visit what is believed to be the nerve center of North Korea’s biological warfare research program. It is concealed under a mountain near Sukho, close to the Chinese border. It is there that the “whites-only” ethnic bomb is being developed.

“It is where Ri developed other biological weapons. Just as Iraq’s notorious “Dr. Germ,” Dr. Rihad Taha, used prisoners to test out her biological weapons, similar experiments are conducted at Sukho. It is these experiments that could lay him open to charges of war crimes—if he has fallen into the hands of the West.

“But at least one person who knew Ri—Dr. Norbert Vollersten, who worked in North Korea and now leads international demonstrations against the Kim regime—believes that Ri would have anticipated the possibility of facing trial.

“There is every possibility that he would have brought with him important documents listing the stage of the research he was engaged upon,” Vollersten said. “He would trade them for a new life in the United States.”

“There is a precedent. After World War II, top Japanese scientists who had conducted germ experiments on U.S. and British prisoners were granted immunity from prosecution if they agreed to reveal their work to scientists at Fort Detrick. Many of those scientists were later granted U.S. citizenship and new identities.”

What are the chances these chemical and nerve agent warheads could be used on American cities? Too high to ignore is the only correct answer.

“When three journalists from The [New York] Times visited Al Muthanna in 2013, a knot of Iraqi police officers and soldiers guarded the entrance. Two contaminated bunkers — one containing cyanide precursors and old sarin rockets — loomed behind. The area where Marines had found mustard shells in 2008 was out of sight, shielded by scrub and shimmering heat.

“The Iraqi troops who stood at that entrance are no longer there. The compound, never entombed, is now controlled by the Islamic State.”

Did a Little DEEPER: Shadow Government, Conspiracy Boogie , Eyeballin’ The One World Order

Senate Releases CIA Torture Report

Featured Image: Gitmo Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay Cuba. CREDIT: Kathleen T. Rhem SOURCE:Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).

Huffington Post

Senate Report Says Torture Program Was More Gruesome, Widespread Than CIA Claimed Posted: Updated:


WASHINGTON — The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday released the highly anticipated 500-page summary of its report on the CIA’s post-9/11 torture program, providing a sobering glimpse into one of the darkest chapters in the U.S. government’s history.

In the report, a product of a 5-year investigation, Senate investigators reveal sordid details of the systemic and individual failures by the agency personnel who ran the “enhanced interrogation program” — the government’s euphemism for systematic torture — during the George W. Bush administration. The program involved capturing terrorism suspects and shipping them to secret overseas prisons, where they were subjected to techniques such as waterboarding . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Gitmo”

Navy Seals Ensnared In Bin Laden Death Hoax

Featured Image: US Navy SEALs insignia. SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel

Navy Seals Ensnared In Bin Laden Death Hoax

Published on Nov 7, 2014

Alex Jones and Rob Dew bring us a special report on how the members of Seal Team Six have been the patsy’s of an elaborate government hoax.

Prison Planet Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 9, 2011

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for political gain and to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily manipulated in the run up to the 2012 election. Here are ten facts that prove the Bin Laden fable is a contrived hoax…. Read Complete Report

NEW EVIDENCE – TIME to #ReThink911 #WTC7

Featured Image: The position of Building 7 in relation to the other WTC buildings before September 11, 2001. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)

youtube by Captain Spock

Published on Aug 4, 2014

To hear Dan Rather, in his own words, the day of the tragedy, should be enough of a kicker to send you into a tailspin.

Visit site: “Rethink 9/11”

ReThink911 Digital Billboard NYC Times Square










Image: Massive Times Square Billboard to Show Video of WTC 7 Destruction During 9/11 Anniversary. SOURCE:  Rethink9/11

ReThink911 International Petition

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “9/11”

Distractions: John Lennon on Dick Cavett (entire show) September 11, 1971 (HD)

Featured image: John Lennon rehearses Give Peace A Chance. CREDIT: Roy Kerwood, 1969. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license).

With all the bad news out there at this time I decided we all needed a break.  What better way than spending 1 hour 7 minutes and 8 seconds with John Lennon and Yoko.  Of course I’m sure you will agree the Fly steals the show . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by elvis316

Uploaded on Mar 26, 2011

He premieres “Imagine” video here. On September 11th, 1971. 9/11, he would ask for people to imagine peace. Weird.


Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Distractions”.

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds: NATO’S Operation Gladio B, CIA, Drugs and the “REAL War on Terror” (4 Part Interview)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

This is REAL investigative reporting!

It’s highly recommended that all Insiders watch all 4 and 1/2 hours of this series of eyeopening reports.  And, in advance,  you’ll gonna wanna take notes.  Hint: Lots of NEW information here. . . EDITOR 

“Sibel Deniz Edmonds is a former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). Edmonds gained public attention following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI’s Washington Field Office in March 2002. She had accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving foreign nationals, alleged serious security breaches and cover-ups and that intelligence had been deliberately suppressed, endangering national security. Her later claims gained her awards and fame as a whistleblower”. . . . SOURCE: Wikipedia.

From youtube uploaded by corbettreport

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 1

Published on Feb 19, 2013

Audio MP3:

In this ground-breaking interview, famed FBI whistleblower and Boiling Frogs Post founder Sibel Edmonds lays out the thread connecting NATO’s Gladio operations to Turkish paramilitaries and ultra-nationalists, and how the operation continues through cooperation with terrorists and the Islamization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. From Abdullah Çatlı’s remarkable life (and death) to the rise of Fethullah Gulen’s $25 billion (CIA-supported) Islamic network to the NATO takeover of the Afghan poppy crop in the wake of 9/11, you won’t want to miss a moment of this riveting conversation.

From youtube uploaded by corbettreport

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 2

Published on Feb 19, 2013

Sibel Edmonds of joins us for the second part of our series on Gladio B, the NATO-directed effort to radicalize, enable and protect Islamic terrorists to further their own geopolitical ends.

From youtube uploaded by corbettreport on Feb 20, 2013

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 3

From youtube uploaded by corbettreport on Feb 20, 2013

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 4

The Biker-Muslim Showdown (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by Wild Bill for America

Wild Bill for America : “The Biker-Muslim Showdown”

Published on Sep 13, 2013

One million Muslims planned to shame America on 9-11 but America’s bikers roared in to answer their jihad!

From youtube uploaded by Today’s Breaking News

Two Million Bikers’ Event Brings Thousands To D.C. In Protest Of Nonexistent ‘Million Muslim March’

Published on Sept 12, 2013

Despite being denied a permit to ride motorcycles through Washington D.C., thousands of bikers took to the nation’s capital to protest the “Million Muslim March,” a tiny, fringe event magnified by recent conservative outrage.

From youtube uploaded by RightSightings

Published on Sep 11, 2013

“2 Million Bikers” Roar into Washington D.C. to honor 9/11 victims and to protest the Muslim rally.

The World is Divided: You’re Either With Us or You’re With Them! (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by BackToConstitution

Published on Aug 28, 2013

Inspired to write this three-minute poem, to protest the oppression and drive this point home
It was said after 9/11 that there were only two sides, that you can be on
You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists and I say, ‘Right on!’