Tag Archive for Americans

Major Poll Reveals 12 Million Americans Believe Reptillian Illuminati Run the World (Video Report)

Featured Image: Reptoid. SOURCE: Reptoid Research Center

From youtube uploaded by Mark Dice

Published on Apr 4, 2013

A major polling firm has released a poll on popular conspiracy theories and reveals an interesting look at how many people believe in a variety of conspiracies ranging from the JFK assassination to the Reptillian Elite.

Rand Paul threatens to block Brennan nomination Until Questions about Killing Americans with Drones are answered(W/Video)

from youtube uploaded by  RTAmerica

Published on Feb 14, 2013

United States Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) is threatening to delay the confirmation of John O. Brennan as head of the CIA until he gets all the answers about the Obama administration’s covert drone program. Sen. Paul has sent two letters to Mr. Brennan since the start of the year, and this week said he has yet to hear a response. Now Sen. Paul says he will put a hold on Pres. Obama’s nomination for CIA director until he hears all the answers about America’s drones, the extrajudicial killings of US citizens and the elusive ‘disposition matrix’ used to identify targets. J.D. Tuccile, managing editor of Reason 24/7, offers us more.

US government reveals memo on killing of Americans (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Feb 5, 2013

On Tuesday, a confidential Justice Department memo was released revealing the legal justification for the US government to conduct drone strikes on American citizens abroad. The portion of the memo that has been getting a lot of attention is that the government does not need evidence to justify a deadly attack. NBC first got its hands on the white paper and now a group of 11 bipartisan senators are demanding answers from the Obama administration. Stephen Miles, coalition coordinator for Win without War, gives us his take on the secret drone memo.

Obama Tailoring Military Leadership to Only Those Who Will Shoot Fellow Americans

Photo: 2010. Gen James N. Mattis, former Commander of United States Central Command 2010. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain).

“Could the “foremost American hero” source cited in the report below be recently dismissed General James N. Mattis who was rushed from his top job by Obama?” Read and decide . . . EDITOR  

from Godfather Politics

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Dr. Garrow is not known for being a wild crackpot or part of the political fringe, so when he recently made the following post on his Facebook page, it got the attention of a number people:

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new ‘litmus test’ in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. ‘The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not.’ Those who will not are being removed.”

When asked who is source was, Garrow replied:

“The man who told me this is one of America’s foremost military heroes.”

One has to wonder if this had anything to do with President Obama’s dismissal of Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis from his post as commander of the Central Command.  The Washington Free Beacon commented on the dismissal, saying: . . . . Read Complete Report

Obama Plans 19 Executive Orders on Guns, ‘Direct Attack on Americans’

From NewsMax

Obama Will Seek Assault Weapons Ban, Universal Background Checks

President Barack Obama will introduce a package of proposals to cut gun violence tomorrow, including a ban on sales of assault weapons that already faces fierce opposition in Congress even as a majority of the public supports it.

wonk on guns

The administration has invited lawmakers to the White House for an announcement on gun violence at 11:45 a.m. tomorrow, according to a Senate aide, who asked for anonymity because the schedule hasn’t been released.

Obama will also ask for universal background checks for firearms buyers and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines, according to administration officials who asked for anonymity to discuss details before the event. . . . Read Complete Report


Americans prefer cockroaches over Congress (Video Report)

from youtube

Uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Jan 9, 2013

Over the past few years, the US Congress hasn’t really been seen in a good light. Legislators have brought America to the brink of an economic collapse on several occasions and according to a new poll, people prefer cockroaches and root canals over the US Congress. RT’s Kristine Frazao brings us more.

Gun Control: Eric Holder Admits He Wants to Brainwash Americans

from Godfather Politics



“Governments have been in the brainwashing business for decades. The majority of parents send their children to government schools. What do they think their children are going to learn besides reading, writing, and arithmetic (if they even learn these)? They’re going to learn how to learn to love the State. . . .”

In 1995, Eric Holder said the following to theWomen’s National Democratic Club:

“One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well, is that we just have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.  We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.” . . . Read Complete Report


Americans to feds: Keep your hands off our pot (w/Video)

from NBC New


By Andrew Mach, NBC News

A majority of Americans want the federal government to keep out of state marijuana laws, even as overall sentiment on whether marijuana should be legalized is split, according to a new poll.

“The significant majority of Americans would advise the federal government to focus on other issues,” wrote Frank Newport of Gallup.

In Washington and Colorado, where citizens last month voted to legalize marijuana possession, the issue of federal interference is especially salient as residents face a confusing mishmash of federal and state laws when it comes to whether and where they can get high. . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube

Majority Of Americans Believe The FEDs Should STAY OUT Of The Legalization Movement

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December 11, 2012 KING 5 News