Search results for Eric Holder


Featured Image: Cell Phone. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public-Domain).

From WND Published: 10 hours ago BOB UNRUH

‘They make George Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ look tame’

Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch, has launched a lawsuit against Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, NSA chief Keith Alexander, Verizon Communications chief Lowell McAdam and their agencies over the government’s massive data-mining project utilizing the private phone records of Verizon customers.

“There is no doubt that this massive illegal seizure had to be authorized and approved at the highest levels of the executive branch, which necessarily leads to the president, attorney general and the director of the NSA,” Klayman said.

“These violations of free speech, prohibitions against unreasonable search and seizure, and due process rights are unprecedented in American history. . . . Read Complete Report

From WND Published: 9 hours ago CHELSEA SCHILLING



Says ‘if people can’t trust’ government, ‘then we’re going to have some problems here’

President Obama, in a strong defense of his efforts to monitor Americans’ telephone calls and other communications, argued that additional security certainly is worth the loss of some constitutional privacy rights, and further, he assured the nation that “nobody’s listening to the content of people’s phone calls.”

But he also confirmed that it is the content of telephone calls that is being targeted, and there’s a process available for investigators who want to listen in: just get permission from a court.  . . . Read Complete Report


THEI Washington Watch ~ NYT: White House Wants Holder to Resign (+) Retro: Rep. Allen West – “Obama, Reid, Pelosi, get the hell out of the USA”

Featured Image: Credit: Dennis Crenshaw

From News Max Sunday, 02 Jun 2013 01:34 PM By Audrey Hudson

Presidential aides are privately admitting to a growing frustration inside the White House with Attorney General Eric Holder’s political ineptness in the press leak investigations and are hoping the embattled appointee will resign from office, The New York Times reports.

“The White House is apoplectic about him, and has been for a long time,” said an anonymous Democrat source, identified only as a former government employee who acknowledged the White House staffers in question are his friends.

President Barack Obama’s advisers are frustrated with Holder’s inability to foresee problems arising from his approval of a subpoena naming a Fox News reporter as a coconspirator in an espionage investigation. Now Congress is looking at whether Holder lied under oath when he testified last month that he knew nothing about the incident. . . . Read Complete Report


From youtube uploaded by PalinGrifter2012 Jan 28, 2012

Retro Rep. Allen West – “Obama, Reid, Pelosi, get the hell out of the USA” – 28 January 2012

Obama vs. the Press: the fight wages on and Obama appoints Holder to investigate himself (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees

Holder investigating himself.  He has to do it, anyone else would find him as the major problem at Justice and probably send him packing. . . . EDITOR 

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on May 28, 2013
First Associated Press, then Fox News: as the days progress as of late, the Obama administration has been linked to investigating more and more American journalists. President Obama campaigned on a promise of transparency, but is that possible for the country when journalists can’t report without risking arrest? Obama has touted a proposed s media shield law, but some say it might hurt instead of help. RT’s Margaret Howell speaks with Michael Brooks of The Majority Report to discuss the latest on the war against leaks and how the White House, Congress and Attorney General Eric Holder are handling increased scrutiny from the media during this fight over the First Amendment.
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Obama blames American guns for Mexican deaths: ‘Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States’ (W/Video)

Featured Image: Guns “walked” across the Mexican border by the CIA under Eric Holder and Obama. SOURCE: Unknown.

The “Fast and Furious” President didn’t even apologize for his own administration under “yes man” Eric Holder exporting guns into Mexico from the U.S and giving them to the illegal drug cartel leaders.

 Of course, if “Fast and Furious” hadn’t been discovered he would be shouting loud and far that these guns had been smuggled into Mexico because of weak gun laws in the U.S. Wake up America! Obama and his administration is about one thing, control!. . EDITOR 

From Daily Mail (UK) PUBLISHED: 16:03 EST, 3 May 2013 | UPDATED: 22:10 EST, 3 May 2013



“Obama also did not mention the more than 2,000 firearms that his Department of Justice ‘walked’ across the Mexican border as part of Operation Fast and Furious, a federal law enforcement project that aimed to track weapons to drug traffickers.

“Those guns have been connected to the deaths of at least 300 Mexican citizens. And U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010 when a so-called ‘Fast and Furious gun’ was recovered at the scene of his murder during a routine patrol in Arizona. . . . Read Complete Report

How are the Feds Reacting to Pot Legalization?:Holder May Step Down Does legal marijuana in the US really mean trouble for Mexican drug cartels?(W/Video)

from Smell the Truth

How the Feds are Reacting to pot Legalization

Posted on November 8, 2012 at 10:42 am by David Downs in LegalPolitics

How are the authorities reacting to pot legalization in Washington and Colorado? Well, Attorney General Eric Holder says “I don’t know [if I’ll be coming back for four more years]“, according to a newly released video of Mr. Holder speaking at a law school. Many see that as the warm-up before the departure of the embattled AG, who oversaw a largely ineffective crackdown on medical marijuana.


Kristen Gwynne at AlterNet does a great round-up of all other responses today, noting that the governor of Colorado said, “The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will. This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don’t break out the Cheetos or goldfish too quickly.” . . . Read Complete Report


from Christian Science Monitor 

Does legal marijuana in the US really mean trouble for Mexican drug cartels?

By , Staff writer / November 8, 2012

A look at the numbers.

It has long been a popular argument among campaigners for reform of America‘s marijuana laws that legalization would strike a major blow against the violent Mexican drug gangs that have brought so much misery to parts of that country and, increasingly, along the US border.

The logic is simple. Marijuana smuggling is a major earner for drug gangs, so a legal crop in the US would have a dramatic impact on their operations, lowering the amount of money available to them to bribe cops and hire killers south of the border. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube
Pot Legal in Colorado and Washington, but Feds Still Loom

Published on Nov 7, 2012

Democrats may be high on President Obama’s re-election victory today, but constituents in Colorado and Washington state are feeling the buzz a little stronger than everyone else. The western states have become the first ever in America to legalize pot for recreational use. . . . posted with video on youtube

Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)

This will be the first in a series of Articles, links to source material on the web, Guest Researchers opinions and more as we at THEI start our own Research into the question, “Was the Batman Movie Massacre planned and executed by “Lone Nut” James Holmes?”  Or was this a planned “False Flag” black project operation. All part of the plan to further the conspiracy by the Shadow Government to  push stiffer gun laws on the people by using the sympathy of a shocked country.  They need to put this gun removable agenda on a front burner in case the liberal’s lose their turn at moving the government of the U.S. away from a Constitutional Republic.

Of course,  the Republican’s have their own agenda when they are “in charge.” EDITOR

from Veterans Today

America, the Society of Deception, Hard Evidence of Mass Mind Control

Friday, July 27th, 2012 | Posted by 

Evidence on Why Americans Are So Gullible

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

[Editors Note: Warning….If any of you are suffering from depression or taking strong medication to control such, read this article on the buddy system, with someone in the room with you.  The following material we expect to be found extremely unpleasant to just about every sane person.

But part of why we are doing this is the Iran attack WWIII moves are proceeding along quite smoothly with no real push back from what could be ‘described’ as a free people. So I will end with that hint…and Gordon will do the rest, as he does so well…Jim Dean] . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by 

Is James Holmes a “lone gunman”, or could he be a mind controlled assassin created by the government (Illuminati) for political purposes? Eric Holder and the “Justice Department” (rofl) got busted with the “Fast and Furious” scandal (giving guns to Mexican Cartels) in hopes to tighten gun laws in America (research it). Additionally, we have seen this type of “madman” emerge many times in the past. Remember the “underwear bomber”?? The kid was strapped with a cheesy smoke bomb in his pants, led to the head of the line by a “business man” (as recollected by several passengers) and then taken down once the smoke bomb went off (and of course, the very next day we saw how the governmnet began pushing for TSA in ALL of our airports). Beginning to see the big picture? Check this out! And decide for yourself.

UPDATE 7/28/2012

from youtube

The James Holmes shooting conspiracy

Published on Jul 27, 2012 by 

AVTM #76 Boycott Hollywood!
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Go a little DEEPER:
July 25 2012:  Retro: Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments – Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! (full video)


June 19 2012: The Secret History Of Mind Control (full video)


NAACP Event Requires Photo I.D. To See Holder Speak In State Being Sued Over Voter ID

Boy… talk about talking out of both sides of you mouth at once!

But then again you cant blame the NAACP. After all Eric (With) Holder has been charged with Contempt of Congress.  The NAACP leadership might have felt that there might have been a process server in the crowd. Or better yet some law officer not in (With)Holder’s pocket might have been there to arrest Mr. (With) Holder. Checking ID’s might just weed the honest men out before they have a chance to serve or arrest  Mr. (With)Holder

But still there’s great humor in this.

You gotta have photo ID to watch Mr. (With)Holder give a speech explaining  why you don’t have to have a Photo ID to vote. . . . In other words the vanity of this present administration is such that you have to have ID to watch a liar talk but you don’t need one to vote them out.

In many states you need a photo ID to buy a pack of cigarettes, but you don’t need one to vote. Of course the cigarettes might harm your body so the government needs to “protect young bodies while letting undocumented voters vote will only harm our country. Really does make since doesn’t it?. 

And just think,  unlike 3rd country voters – we don’t even get to dip our fingers in blue ink to prove we don’t vote more that once.  Go figure.

This whole deal sounds like something out of a B-grade NAZI movie. . . EDITOR

from Pat Dollard

Jul 10, 2012

Excerpted from TOWN HALL:

Earlier today, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the NAACP Nation Convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. What did media need in order to attend? That’s right, government issued photo identification (and a second form of identification too!), something both Holder and the NAACP stand firmly against when it comes to voting. Holder’s DOJ is currently suing Texas for “discriminatory” voter ID laws. From the press release:

All media must present government-issued photo I.D. (such as a driver’s license) as well as valid media credentials. Members of the media must RSVP to receive press credentials at For security purposes, media check-in and equipment set up must be completed by 7:45 a.m. CDT for an 8:00 a.m. CDT security sweep. Once the security sweep is completed, additional media equipment will NOT be permitted to enter and swept equipment will NOT be permitted to exit. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Published on Jul 10, 2012 by…



Continuing Coverage: Holder Concealed Evidence Of Gunrunner’s Release

Continuing the story that is an eerie likeness to the infamous Mina Arkansas guns-for-drugs case which I am convinced propelled Bill Clinton to the presidency. . . EDITOR


Published on on March 21, 2012

Printer-Friendly Version
The fast and furious story gained momentum in Washington after it has emerged that Attorney General Eric Holder failed to turn over to Congressional investigators evidence that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,and Firearms has released Manuel Acosta – a kingpin in the illegal weapons trade of the drug cartels – from custody in return for a vague promise of” cooperation” which he failed to keep. . . Read Complete report plus sign this petition to call on Holder to resign or on Congress to impeach him

Trey Gowdy Gets ATF Special Agent To Admit “Fast & Furious” Obama Administration Scandal!


We return to this story because we feel that this is the most despicable page in the united States history. It spanned two Administrations, those of Bush and Obama. Rick and I personally believe that Fast and Furious had nothing to do with tracing guns and nothing to do with the “War on Drugs”.

We know that from our years of watching the ever slowly movement of the actual elitist Controller to bring our great country to its knees in order to overthrow our Republics Freedoms and Liberties.

In a rational mind there is no lawful purpose for this operation. In what way did this further this Country’s phony 50 year so-called “War on Drugs”?

We have presented, here in the pages of THEI for over 25 years, the evidence of the REAL importers of these Killer Drugs and the mildly stimulant medical  hemp, or as their propaganda started calling it by the Mexican name “Marijuana” (for purely financial reasons) so that the citizens back in the 1930’s who knew the many uses of the herb hemp, which was a major crop of the farmers of that time, would not realize the government were taking away one of their most important crops which threaten the elitist families their their major money cows; pharmaceutical, big oil, synthetic cloth and paper products just to name a few.

The major importers of drugs into this Country have been exposed many times; The CIA, The Bush and Clinton Crime Families, and their Cabal of elitist crooked pals.

The Fast and Furious Gun Running Operation was implemented for only two reasons; to blame the legal gun merchants along our Southern Border for putting guns into their partners in crime the drug cartels, to further the Globalist’s continuing agenda of passing gun laws to get guns out of the hands of honest citizens and patriots so that if the citizenry ever wakes up to their major agenda of taking over this Republic to force us into a New World Order consisting of the elitist members of the Secret Societies as the rulers and we the people as slaves to their worldwide plantation had no means to fight back.

Second to insure the ATF, CIA and the other Agencies in their control more black budget money to further the Agenda by getting more Americans Addicted to their imported drugs so the can not do anything to stop the Controllers agenda, or, most likely will not care.

With this in mind we here at THEI will not rest until we wake up as many of our citizens to their many ways of manipulation to achieve their nefarious deeds. Fast and Furious was one of the worst.

Another point. When I decided to return to this most horrible government crime I searched YouTube for “Fast and Furious”.  It took me three pages to find the information. The first two and a half pages led to videos on the movie series about fast cars, “Fast and Furious.”  It’s more important to lead a search er to entertainment that to this most government disgrace.  Hide in plain Site. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.

Trey Gowdy Gets ATF Special Agent To Admit “Fast & Furious” Obama Administration Scandal!

YouTube ~ Culture Shock TV  Published on Jun 14, 2017

Looking Back

Fast & Furious: How it went down 

YouTube ~ oversightandreform

Uploaded on Aug 20, 2011

Fox News’ Sean Hannity dissects the structure, anatomy and methodology of tracking weapons in Operation Fast and Furious.

8-19-11 Fox News Sean Hannity Show

Barack Obama’s Fast & Furious Assault Weapons Program

YoTube ~ The Attorney Depot™

Published on Dec 18, 2012

**Fight Censorship on YouTube**

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ran a series of “gunwalking” sting operations between 2006 and 2011. These operations were done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United States. “Gun walking” or “letting guns walk” was a tactic whereby the ATF “purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders.”

The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels.
Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the Mexico–United States border, and the scene of the death of at least one U.S. federal agent, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The “gunwalking” operations became public in the aftermath of Terry’s murder.

Fast & Furious: Overview of the Investigation

Continue on Page.2 >>

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Dennis Crenshaw “Smoke, Baby, Smoke” (The Ferguson Smokescreen)

Thoughts From an Underground Insider

Smoke, Baby, Smoke: The Ferguson Smokescreen

Compiled by Dennis Crenshaw – Editor

The ongoing rage about the cop shooting of a thug trying to escape his strong-arm robbery of the Ferguson Market just 9 minutes before was just what the Controllers needed to happen somewhere in America at that time.  It’s the time-old trick of turning lemons into lemonade which is easier to force down the throats of our present dummy-downed government school generation.

Although, as I watched the “story” unfold I don’t thank the Controllers needed to waste the time making the ‘Jim Jones cocktail’. Today’s citizens seem to have a hard time grasping the REAL goings-on anyway – except maybe the name of the latest “Idol.”

Ferguson_Day_6,_Picture_44 Credit Lovesofbread Source Wikipedia CC

Image:Police Officers using tear gas during the first wave of the Ferguson unrest. Credit: Loavesofbread Own work Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Let’s take a look at the Ferguson Smokescreen. A study of history will point out how “False Flag” and “Smokescreen Operations” have been used throughout history by bad guys to try and blindfold the populace. Like a good magic illusion, while the sheeple watch the scripted scenario, the Controllers are busy working behind the smokescreens doing something the people would raise hell about if done out in plain sight.  In this case I think the powers-that-be outdid themselves. let’s review . . .

 Timeline recap: Michael Brown shooting


In the beginning: Video shows that ‘gentle giant’ Michael Brown is in actuality a bully and strong-arm robber. This video was taken 9 minutes before his being shot and killed by a police officer.

Ferguson police release convenience store surveillance video

youtube by stltodaymobile

Published on Aug 15, 2014

Video captured from two different angles released by the Ferguson Police Department from surveillance video that appear to show a confrontation at a convenience store. Police say Michael Brown allegedly participated in a strong armed robbery at the store. Go to to see complete coverage.


From Associated Press 5:49 a.m. CDT August 18, 2014

Attorney: Dorian Johnson confirms he was with Brown at store robbery

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) – The friend who was with Michael Brown, Dorian Johnson  when he was shot and killed by a police officer near St. Louis over the weekend is reportedly confirming that he and Brown had taken part in the theft of cigars from a convenience store that day. . . Read Complete Report


So far we have learned that (A) Michael Brown and his homeboy Dorian Johnson strong-armed the owner of The Ferguson Market. (2) Nine minutes later Brown was shot and killed by police officer. A local incident that happens all the time in our inner cities.

Then, Controllers Federal Po-lice stick their noses in. Why? This is a local punk taken out by the Po-lice minutes after he took what he wanted out of a convenience store, pushing the owner aside when he complained. The FEDS need to be spending their time doing Federal things not dealing with local low-life crime in middle America. However . . . 

From NBC News

Feds Urged Police Not to Release Michael Brown ‘Robbery’ Video

The Department of Justice urged Ferguson police not to release surveillance video purporting to show Michael Brown robbing a store shortly before he was shot and killed by police, arguing the footage would further inflame tensions in the St. Louis suburb that saw rioting and civil unrest in the wake of the teenager’s death. . . . Read Complete Report

Oh, that’s right. White cop – young black man. Opportunity knocks for the Controllers and their pals. Just shut-up about the strong-arm robbery and insert the ‘race card’. Not only was this another chance to divide and conquer, it also came at great time!

Obama was about to sign his “Executive Action” powers to insure that the 3rd world people from the south of us continue to come illegally by the thousands – millions. What better way to slip the immigration bill in while their controlled press and most of the sheeple are looking at a country wide race riot broadcast 24/7 by the controlled press. So, the controllers send out their best ‘race card’ dealers to fire up the populace . . .

youtube by NBTV Published on Aug 14, 2014

Jesse Jackson on Ferguson Missouri Speaking to NBTV Reporters:

youtube by Lord Rothschild on Nov 25, 2014

Al Sharpton Slams Ferguson Grand Jury Decision

Even Obama got in on the act:

youtube by NoticiasYouTube Published on Nov 24, 2014

Obama on Grand Jury Decision Michael Brown Shooting: Ferguson Missouri Riots Footage Obama Speaking

A local punk, Michael Brown was shot after a strong arm robbery. But now its official. Because of the races of the principles in this case. . . .  it’s a Race Crime!

youtube by wwwMOXNEWScom Published on Sep 4, 2014

Eric Holder Announces DOJ Investigation Of Entire Ferguson Missouri Police Department

 youtube by VICE News

Ferguson – Highlights from VICE News Live Coverage 8/18/2014

Published on Aug 19, 2014

Subscribe to VICE News here:

On August 19, protesters gathered in St. Louis following the police shooting of a 23-year-old man at a convenience store. The man’s death comes amid continuing protests in nearby Ferguson, Missouri in the aftermath of the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was also killed by a police office.


The controllers have their smokescreen. Race riots and unrest. The best divide and conquer method ever devised by evil people. So, what’s going on behind the smoke and mirrors?  We will continue to watch the situation and keep you updated. . . EDITOR

Ferguson,_Day_4,_Photo_13 A lootedand burned out gas station Credit Lovesofbread Source  Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: A looted and burned gas station in Ferguson. Credit: LoavesofbreadOwn work. Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Wikipedia Report: 2014 Ferguson unrest