Search results for Fast and Furious

Obama blames American guns for Mexican deaths: ‘Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States’ (W/Video)

Featured Image: Guns “walked” across the Mexican border by the CIA under Eric Holder and Obama. SOURCE: Unknown.

The “Fast and Furious” President didn’t even apologize for his own administration under “yes man” Eric Holder exporting guns into Mexico from the U.S and giving them to the illegal drug cartel leaders.

 Of course, if “Fast and Furious” hadn’t been discovered he would be shouting loud and far that these guns had been smuggled into Mexico because of weak gun laws in the U.S. Wake up America! Obama and his administration is about one thing, control!. . EDITOR 

From Daily Mail (UK) PUBLISHED: 16:03 EST, 3 May 2013 | UPDATED: 22:10 EST, 3 May 2013



“Obama also did not mention the more than 2,000 firearms that his Department of Justice ‘walked’ across the Mexican border as part of Operation Fast and Furious, a federal law enforcement project that aimed to track weapons to drug traffickers.

“Those guns have been connected to the deaths of at least 300 Mexican citizens. And U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010 when a so-called ‘Fast and Furious gun’ was recovered at the scene of his murder during a routine patrol in Arizona. . . . Read Complete Report

Eric Holder Threatens Kansas Over Gun Control Nullification Bill

From Godfather Politics

Posted  by 

Recently, we told you about a rather watered-down version of a nullification bill that Kansas passed and Governor Brownback signed. The gist of it was that federal or state agents attempting to enforce unconstitutional gun laws on Kansas-made firearms would face felony charges and prosecution. It may have been watered down, but it offended Attorney General Eric Holder enough that he had to issue a fast and furious response. Here’s what he wrote in part in a letter to the Kansas Governor:

“In purporting to override federal law and to criminalize the official acts of federal officers, SB102 directly conflicts with federal law and is therefore unconstitutional. … Under the Supremacy Clause…Kansas may not prevent federal employees and officials from carrying out their official responsibilities.  And a state certainly may not criminalize the exercise of federal responsibilities.  Because SB102 conflicts with federal firearms laws and regulations, federal law supercedes this new statute; all provisions of federal laws and their implementing regulations therefore continue to apply.” . . . Read Complete Report

Part 3: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Unraveling the Secrets audio)

THEI EXCLUSIVE Research Report


Part 3 American Mind Control & the “Lone Nut Killers”

by Dennis Crenshaw & correspondence from Steven Jacobson

When the horrible shooting in Aurora Colorado went down, I – like I’m sure most of you – immediately wondered if the slaughter we were seeing reported on our individual electronic media source was another “False Flag” Operation.

When an operation like this occurs those of us who have been following these operations and snafus as the controllers try this and that to achieve a certain goal immediately get an itch when someone like James Holmes comes along. Especially if the said perpetrator suddenly appears  and does something completely over-the-top of even a Dirty Harry Movie.. I developed that itch the first time when JFK was reportedly headshot by “one lone nut.”

As I’ve said before, and I can’t repeat it enough, the Controllers never change their game. Every action is followed by a reaction which requires action again; on and on until the end of their game plan..  In this case what I believe happened was that this drastic measure was pulled out of their nut-bag in desperation. I believe it was forced on the Controllers because of the screw-up now known as Fast and Furious.

I believe that Fast and Furious was the major action planned to coincide with the drastically escalating  assault on our gun laws.  Fast and Furious literly blew up in their faces.

In a panic, I believe, the Controllers hirelings put together their back-up plan. . . . And the Aurora Assault just may have been that back-up plan.

This I decided was something we were going to keep a close eye on and pass along what we find  . . .

My first action was to shoot off an E-Mail to my friend  Steven Jacobson. I also consider him my mentor when it comes to understanding mind-control, especially here in America. I wanted to see his thoughts on this latest incident..  . . . EDITOR

{EDITOR’S NOTE: Listen to an interview we had with Steven Jacobson on “Unraveling the Secrets” at the end of this Report} 

We will continue to post any new revelations as we got them. . .

E- Mail from Steven Jacobson:


Hello Dennis:

Good to hear from you.  “The New Hollow Earth Insider” looks great!

Regarding the “James Holmes Mind Control Case”:

My response to the first reports of the Colorado cinema shooting was this:  Here we go again!  Another “Manchurian Candidate,” another “lone-nut” government-programmed mind-controlled assassin, another well-financed, highly organized intelligence agency killing carried out by more than one shooter and pinned on yet another fall-guy.  James Holmes was reportedly involved in Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) mind control studies and so was his father and grandfather!  The first photo released of James Holmes is not the same person in the photo of the red-haired disoriented person in court.  How many “James Holmeses” are there?  We have been down this road before:  Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, Mark David Chapman. . .

The majority of the population is not aware of the fact that we were all born into a system of lies and deception that is part of the social framework of society.  People are unaware that they are unaware.  People are not fully conscious.  Society is suffering from the effects of a scientifically-induced nervous breakdown.  The Orwellian World of a mind controlled society is a present-day reality!  Visit   and then ask yourself what kind of world you live in and is this the legacy you want to leave your children or anyone’s children?

. . . I roughed out the above and will go back to fine tune it when I can.  Also, I’ll be emailing you some YouTube Links and other relevant information.

Best wishes,


Steven Jacobson’s site: Mind Control in America
November 8, 2009 “THEI presents Unraveling the Secrets” on Blogtalk Radio with Special Guest Steven Jacobson and hosts Dennis Crenshaw & Rick Osmon.


Go a little DEEPER:

Read  Part 2: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Video)

Read  Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)

7/25/2012: Retro: Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments – Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! (full video)

7/21/2012: Batman Shooting Foretold In 1986 Dark Knight Comic

7/21/2012 — FBI theater attack warning issued on May 17, 2012 (video Report)

6/19/2012: The Secret History Of Mind Control (full video)

6/18/2012: The Secrets of Mind Control (w/ full video)

Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)

This will be the first in a series of Articles, links to source material on the web, Guest Researchers opinions and more as we at THEI start our own Research into the question, “Was the Batman Movie Massacre planned and executed by “Lone Nut” James Holmes?”  Or was this a planned “False Flag” black project operation. All part of the plan to further the conspiracy by the Shadow Government to  push stiffer gun laws on the people by using the sympathy of a shocked country.  They need to put this gun removable agenda on a front burner in case the liberal’s lose their turn at moving the government of the U.S. away from a Constitutional Republic.

Of course,  the Republican’s have their own agenda when they are “in charge.” EDITOR

from Veterans Today

America, the Society of Deception, Hard Evidence of Mass Mind Control

Friday, July 27th, 2012 | Posted by 

Evidence on Why Americans Are So Gullible

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

[Editors Note: Warning….If any of you are suffering from depression or taking strong medication to control such, read this article on the buddy system, with someone in the room with you.  The following material we expect to be found extremely unpleasant to just about every sane person.

But part of why we are doing this is the Iran attack WWIII moves are proceeding along quite smoothly with no real push back from what could be ‘described’ as a free people. So I will end with that hint…and Gordon will do the rest, as he does so well…Jim Dean] . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by 

Is James Holmes a “lone gunman”, or could he be a mind controlled assassin created by the government (Illuminati) for political purposes? Eric Holder and the “Justice Department” (rofl) got busted with the “Fast and Furious” scandal (giving guns to Mexican Cartels) in hopes to tighten gun laws in America (research it). Additionally, we have seen this type of “madman” emerge many times in the past. Remember the “underwear bomber”?? The kid was strapped with a cheesy smoke bomb in his pants, led to the head of the line by a “business man” (as recollected by several passengers) and then taken down once the smoke bomb went off (and of course, the very next day we saw how the governmnet began pushing for TSA in ALL of our airports). Beginning to see the big picture? Check this out! And decide for yourself.

UPDATE 7/28/2012

from youtube

The James Holmes shooting conspiracy

Published on Jul 27, 2012 by 

AVTM #76 Boycott Hollywood!
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Go a little DEEPER:
July 25 2012:  Retro: Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments – Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! (full video)


June 19 2012: The Secret History Of Mind Control (full video)



As we have been reporting for a couple of years now if the Controllers want another 4 years of “liberal” tripe then Obama will stay in. If they feel the people can’t take more of that right now the Controllers will bring in their “conservative’ players. Then they can start furthering their military-industrial Complex plans; starting more wars and selling more weapons and war supplies.

However if it is the “left side” of the Controllers government left in charge one of the first moves will bring us closer and closer to total gun control. Fast and Furious was a preliminary move down that path. Thankfully the DEA screwed that up. The U.N.s coming up A.T.T. meeting is another step in that direction.

Oh well, we DO have Hillery representing the U.S. What could happen? . . . EDITOR

from Dick

Published on on July 10, 2012

By Dick Morris on July 10, 2012

Without much fanfare and with as little publicity as possible, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will go to New York City to sign the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), now in the final stages of negotiation at the U.N. The treaty marks the beginning of an international crusade to impose gun controls on the United States and repeal our Second Amendment rights.


The ATT is nominally geared toward the purpose of stopping international arms sales to gangs, criminals and violent groups. But, as is so often the case with U.N. treaties, this is merely a convenient facade behind which to conceal the ATT’s true intent: to force gun control on the United States. . . . Read Complete Report

GO DEEPER: EXCLUSIVE to THEI: Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

Ongoing: Justice unseals indictment charging 5 in Brian Terry’s death, offers $1M reward for leads on fugitives

This is great news and too long in coming. What I’ll be watching for is for the Controllers to use their MSM to play Brian Terry’s murder case up to the hilt and at the same time move the Fast and Furious investigation back into the shadows.

Hey Congress! It’s two different investigations…. one is murder… the other is SUPPLYING the murder weapons. We want solid answers to both questions. . . EDITOR

from Fox News

Published July 09, 2012

The Justice Department on Monday unsealed an indictment charging five individuals allegedly involved in Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s death, and announced a reward of up to $1 million for information leading to the arrest of those suspects still at large.

For the first time, federal officials also revealed that Terry and an elite squad of federal agents initially fired bean bags — not bullets — at a heavily armed drug cartel crew in the mountains south of Tucson in December 2011. During the exchange, Terry was shot and killed. . . . Read Complete Report

Ongoing: Obama VS The Florida Voters

We continue to bring forward the court cases and investigations into Obama’s eligibility to be listed on the challenging States ballots again.  Or for that matter to be eligible to be President at all. Something the mainstream media mentions as little as possible.

Just Like “Obama’s Watergate”, AKA the “Fast and Furious” Fiasco.  For the most part the MSM ignored that story too  until it blew up in their sorry mugs and became too big a story to ignore. . . . EDITOR

from WMD

Unexpected turn in eligibility case: ‘Put it on record!’
‘This judge can’t get out; if he screws around, he’s violating law’

by Drew Zahn

The attorney in a publicized challenge to Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president told WND the Florida case took an unexpected turn in court yesterday, one he says “pulled the rug out” from Obama’s lawyers and should force a quick answer from the judge.

Attorney Larry Klayman told WND he had expected an “uneventful” hearing in the ongoing case, which returned before Judge Terry Lewis yesterday, but instead found a legal tangle that he believes means Lewis will “have to make a decision, have to put it on record.”

Klayman originally filed the challenge to Obama’s eligibility for the ballot on behalf of Michael Voeltz, who identifies himself as “a registered member of the Democratic Party, voter and taxpayer in Broward County.”

As WND reported, however, attorneys representing Obama at the case’s main hearing, which was livestreamed by WND, argued that the Florida presidential preference primary, which listed Obama as the only Democrat nominee, didn’t make him the party’s nominee for president. They urged Lewis to decide that Obama is not yet the Democratic nominee for president and therefore ignore evidence challenging his eligibility. . . . Read Complete Report

EXCLUSIVE: Florida vs Eric Holder & Zombies For Obama by Dennis Crenshaw (w/video)


Notes from an ‘Underground Insider”

posted: 6/15.20

by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

Obama assured the Latino vote by once again throwing his middle finger up at Congress as he signed an Executive Order protecting criminals i.e illegal immigrants from deportation. Not only does this insure him most of the Latino votes in America, but it gives him 100% of the illegals who are fraudulently registered  to vote .  To use foreign criminals voting illegally is only one step in gaining a large block of voters. The second step is being led by Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder.
Eric Holder before the League of Women Voters in Washington, D.C.:

However, that does not explain why Holder just ordered Florida to stop purging their vote registration records of people who have died or who are not citizens and thus ineligible to vote.

Looking at the whole picture It appears to me that Obama and his cronies feel they need criminals, undesirables and raising  the dead to win the upcoming election. I guess you could call this block of voters collectively,  “Zombies for Obama.”


Continuing Coverage: Holder Concealed Evidence Of Gunrunner’s Release

Continuing the story that is an eerie likeness to the infamous Mina Arkansas guns-for-drugs case which I am convinced propelled Bill Clinton to the presidency. . . EDITOR


Published on on March 21, 2012

Printer-Friendly Version
The fast and furious story gained momentum in Washington after it has emerged that Attorney General Eric Holder failed to turn over to Congressional investigators evidence that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,and Firearms has released Manuel Acosta – a kingpin in the illegal weapons trade of the drug cartels – from custody in return for a vague promise of” cooperation” which he failed to keep. . . Read Complete report plus sign this petition to call on Holder to resign or on Congress to impeach him

Legal U.S. gun sales to Mexico arming cartels


Legal U.S. gun sales to Mexico arming cartels

By Sharyl Attkisson
(CBS News)  

Selling weapons to Mexico – where cartel violence is out of control – is controversial because so many guns fall into the wrong hands due to incompetence and corruption. The Mexican military recently reported nearly 9,000 police weapons “missing.”


Yet the U.S. has approved the sale of more guns to Mexico in recent years than ever before through a program called “direct commercial sales.” It’s a program that some say is worse than the highly-criticized “Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal, where U.S. agents allowed thousands of weapons to pass from the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels.


CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson discovered that the official tracking all those guns sold through “direct commercial sales” leaves something to be desired.


One weapon – an AR-15-type semi-automatic rifle – tells the story. In 2006, this same kind of rifle – tracked by serial number – is legally sold by a U.S. manufacturer to the Mexican military.


Three years later – it’s found in a criminal stash in a region wracked by Mexican drug cartel violence. . . .continue