So, Joe, you’re telling me that your Gun Control Measures are totally worthless and you already knew that?
The following two stories vindicate what I’ve said for decades: The gun laws that are already in place are more than adequate if only the authorities would enforce them. And to the staff writer / wanna be ace reporter, 13 guns is not a “huge arsenal”.
‘The monster want out’: Mentally ill killer amassed huge arsenal, police say
Police say they found Christian Oberender with 13 guns, despite the fact he couldn’t legally purchase any.
A Minnesota man who killed his mother with a shotgun and who has a history of mental illness managed to amass a personal arsenal in recent years, according to court documents.
In early January, police arrived at the home of Christian Philip Oberender to find the 32 year old in possession of 13 guns, including an AK-47, shotguns, and a Tommy gun, according to a complaint filed in Carver County’s 1st Judicial District Court on January 9.
Police say they also…READ MORE
Biden: New gun controls likely won’t end shootings
Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged that new gun laws would not “fundamentally alter” the likelihood of another mass shooting, though he insisted there has been a “sea change” in American views on guns in the wake of Newtown.
“Nothing we’re going to do is going to fundamentally alter or eliminate the possibility of another mass shooting or guarantee that we will bring gun deaths down to 1,000 a year from what it is now,” Biden told reporters Thursday afternoon after he spent over an hour lunching with Democratic senators at the Capitol.
“But there are things that we can do, demonstrably can do, that have virtually zero impact on your Second Amendment right to own a weapon for both self defense and recreation that can save some lives,” he said.
Biden was on the Hill to help sell a package of changes to the nation’s gun laws…READ MORE