Meet James Gray, running mate of my party’s Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson. Many say I’m wasting my vote. I ask those who will vote for one of the two Controller’s Applicants; AND you’re voting for which puppet?? Vote your conscience – Vote Libertarian . . . EDITOR
Take the World’s Shortest Political Quiz
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Judge Jim Gray
Published on Sep 16, 2012 by MikeCANN
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Judge Jim Gray at Boston Freedom Rally running for Vice President on Libertarian Party ticket with Gary Johnson. Introduced by Julia from http://PeterMcWilliams.org and Dex Ter of http://unregularradio.com
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GARY JOHNSON We The People ARE Libertarian
Published on Aug 20, 2012 by govgaryjohnson
Two-term governor, Gary Johnson says “Don’t be surprised to find out you’re more Libertarian than you think.” It’s time to put parties and differences aside and focus on solving the problems leaders in the Republican and Democratic Parties have created for America. This year, you don’t have to BE Libertarian to vote Libertarian. Together, we’ll end the wars, abolish the IRS, end the war on drugs, bring back industry and jobs, and get our finances under control. Be Libertarian with Gary Johnson for one election. LIVE FREE . . . Posted with video at youtube