Search results for Big Foot

A Political Realignment is Necessary – The Real Struggle is Liberty vs. Authoritarianism

A Political Realignment is Necessary – The Real Struggle is Liberty vs. Authoritarianism

Source: Political Blitzkrieg

Michael Krieger | Posted at 3:13 pm

Until the American public ceases bickering amongst itself along Democratic and Republican or “left” vs. “right” lines, we’ll continue to be divided and conquered by authoritarians who wield tremendous power throughout both sides of the traditional political spectrum. This isn’t to say there aren’t real, meaningful differences between those who classify themselves on the “left” or the “right,” but it is to say there’s a much bigger battle afoot and nothing’s going to get better until we frame the new political reality for what it is. The most significant, existential struggle at play in these modern United States is a battle between Liberty and Authoritarianism, and it’s extremely important you know where you stand.

While the entire Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution is crucial to our civil liberties, no right is more significant than the First Amendment. If we lose freedom of speech, it’s game over for our society, and we have to understand that authoritarians on both the “right” and “left” are taking shots at freedom of speech as I write this. As such, differences between “right” and “left” should be deemphasized because if we lose the First Amendment, we lose everything.

A major political realignment is not simply a good idea, it’s absolutely crucial to the survival of a thriving civilization here in the U.S. The historical struggle we face today is not Democrat vs. Republican, or right vs. left, but Liberty vs. Authoritarianism. . . . Read Complete Report

Drive-In Saturday Night Dusk til Dawn Special “Roger Corman” Nite

An ecliptic collection of movies from one of Hollywood’s most controversial and honored Grade B movie producers. . . You Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Battle Beyond The Stars, 1980 (Full Movie)

Published on Oct 30, 2014

When the farmers of the peaceful planet Akir are threatened by the space tyrant Sador, Zed the last Akira warrior recruits a young man, Shad, to seek out allies to fight this menace and save the planet! A classic film, one that’s short on plot and budget but is extremely enjoyable nonetheless.

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Border Wall Updates 8/27/17

US Town Experiences Massive Change After Border Fence Goes Up

24h News

Published on Aug 24, 2017

US Town Experiences Massive Change After Border Fence Goes Up
Learn more about news on Youtube:

US Mexico Border Wall Just Got $1.6B Down Payment (Full Compilation)


Published on Jul 28, 2017

The House has passed initial funds of $1.6 billion to start the US Mexico border wall.

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Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Drops

Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Drops

Youtube ~ Igor Kryan

Published on Jul 17, 2017
Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Level Drops. Everything you are about to see is real. This is Kryan Channel Most Serious Video. Something never seen before is happening. Millions of giant sinkholes opened around the globe within the past few years. Yes, you heard it right – millions. Some blamed weather, some stated that hollow earth theory is proven, some said that CERN created a mini black hole inside Earth, some blamed aliens from outer space, others demons from hell. I thought its because of excessive fracking and mining and I went to the oil rig to investigate only to be proven wrong because sinkholes seemed to evenly distributed around the world and not concentrate around fracking and mining places. Russian Siberia, Brazilian Jungle, Frozen Antarctica and African Sahara have thousands of new sinkholes open without any fraking or mining there. I talk to the engineer in charge of multi million dollar seabed mining sonar vessel who has PhD is geophysics. He told me that what we are seeing on earth is just the tip of the iceberg, for one sinkhole opening on earth there are at least 4 underwater according to his sonar and this process accelerated geometrically within the last couple of years. I asked him what he thinks causing it. He looked at me and said – the only logical explanation is that CERN created mini Black Hole inside Earth. However, I disagreed with him I have discovered something even scarier than a black hole inside Earth created by CERN. Hold your breath, but first watch how those monsters are decimating our planet. Here is what is happening now. Scientists predicted that ocean level will rise by 2 feet by 2020 comparatively to 1900s because of Global Warming. Instead, we are seeing almost 1 foot drop. We have a grotto in San Francisco beach near Seal Rocks that was only possible to reach during the lowest tide in 1990s without getting wet. I used to wait for the low tide to go there. Now it is assessable during any tide 24/7. Moreover, last month I was able to reach Seal Rocks by feet – it was never possible before. Where all the water gone? The thing is that we live on the aging planet and its core is cooling, shrinking and contracting, forcing magma to retreat deeper, leaving hollow spaces inside the earth crust into the newly formed cracks and reservoirs. The ocean water occupies these newly formed sinkholes and spaces also draining down closer to earth magma, exposing more of the ocean floor. New islands forming in the ocean and more land getting exposed. This island just raised from the ocean in Caribbean within a couple of years and don’t even have a name yet. The earth crust also cooling, shrinking and contracting forming new cracks and sinkholes. And this process accelerated in geometrical progression within the last few years. In time all water will be drained from the Earth surface and Earth will be resembling Mars. But before that and very soon, probably within your lifetime, something very dramatic will happen that will create an extinction event similar to the one that happened 250 million years ago. Permian–Triassic extinction. It was the worst in all history because almost 99% of species were lost forever and 99.9% of all earth life went extinct. Life today descended from 1% of the surviving species. As it is today, earth core started to cool down and earth crust cracked like a boiled eggs with trillions gallons of cold ocean water pouring inside newly formed earth cavities and once they reached hot magma – the volcanic magma explosion was so powerful that pieces of the planet were literally thrown to outer space. Possibly, visions some of you including me having of the receded ocean and miles of empty ocean floor exposed are about to come true. All those sinkholes are just the beginning of the end, much bigger fissures are opening at the ocean floor. Once one will be big enough the earth curst will crack again around its ring of fire like a boiled egg. The volcanic magma explosion like hit of 10 mile wide asteroid will create nearly life all on earth following by world earthquake magnitude 12 or higher and 5,000 feet tall tsunami. Why now? Why those sinkholes, cracks and fissures formation skyrocketed within the last few years? Why Earth waited 250 million years? Perhaps, it’s a coincidence, perhaps, it’s a karma for human mistreating its mother earth, perhaps it’s the answer to Biblical prophecy of apocalypse, perhaps, it’s the theory that Earth his the one large organism who has it’s ways to get rid of any invading parasitic species once they overdevelop, perhaps, it’s the answer why we cannot find many developed alien civilizations around us, perhaps, it is all together. We might never know for sure, but the fact is we are being terra-formed from the inside. And by the time it took you watch to this point of the video 11 new sink holes opened around the planet.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Sink Holes

Update: Robots Replacing Humans

Robo Global CIO: Here’s How To Bet Big On Robotics | CNBC

CNBC Published on Jul 10, 2017

Robots Replacing Humans

The Dawn of Killer Robots (Full Length)

Motherboard Published on Apr 16, 2015

Incredible Robots – Rise of the Machines

YouTube ~ Naked Science

Published on Nov 26, 2014

Dig a Little DEEPER: Robots Replacing Humans




THEI Returns to Antarctica (Extended Report) Part 1 ~ Could Be the Most Important Information Ever Revealed!!


Retrospect: My personal research published in 1996 in The  Hollow Earth Insider (THEI)

Since the inception of THEI in 1992 we have been filing reports on the Strange goings on in the South Pole Region of our planet.

One of my personal early research projects was an in depth study of the huge Snow Cruiser that was being built and hyped almost daily prior to Admiral Byrd’s 1939 expedition which totally disappeared from any news sources once it was transported to Antarctica.  

We are talking about an exploring machine that was outfitted for a crew of 4, with enough supplies to last a year without any contact and big enough to carry a one engine plane strapped to its back. Think about it. This huge machine built in 1939 was like the Fledgling Space Program building their first shuttle. Everyone in America knew about it and read about it being built daily in their newspapers and popular magazines of the day.  When it was moved across the country people came from miles away just to watch it pass. Then once unloaded in Antarctica it was never mentioned again. No questions, no answers.

(Admiral Byrd’s 1939 Antarctica Expedition & the Mysterious Snow Cruiser). (1996)  by Dennis Crenshaw.

The Penguin Antarctic Snow Cruiser Mysterious Snow Cruiser

To get the full concept of it’s size watch in full screen mode.

YouTube ~ Автомобильный Век Published on Aug 7, 2015


Image: The Snow Cruiser plans. Source:Life Magazine. 30 October 1939. (For the complete article and a large clear copy of this diagram along with other photos go here).





So with that said I am eager to return to Antarctica and learn with you the latest about this mysterious and secretive place that has fascinated me for over 25 years. 

If this all seems too outlandish to you don’t fluff it off until you watch the more modern videos I am presenting further into this lengthy posting. . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


YouTube ~ Hidden Truth News

Published on Sep 4, 2016

This documentary short is a complex presentation of recent U.S. and Russian visits to Antarctica, the Nazis, and Hollow Earth, including its importance in Nazi Germany before and during WW2, and Antarctica’s possible escape route off of the Earth for many Nazi’s who mysteriously disappeared after the war without a trace. Few know the truth about Antarctica, as it is an expanse of land that has gone unnoticed for centuries. But not by the Nazis…They knew the truth…

Image: medallion used by the German Antarctica of 1938-2939.  First Deutsche Antarktische Expedition



The Nazis believed there might have been a civilization inside the Earth. This was the belief of Helena Blavatsky, who profoundly influenced the Nazi’s philosophy and esotericism. There is an abundance of evidence to suggest that a theory now considered dumb to most people, the hollow Earth, had an unusual cult following in Nazi Germany. German pop figures and writers also supported this idea, including one writer named Karl Neupert. The Earth was not a solid rock, but was shaped more like a human eyeball, having two portals of entry at the North and South poles and was hollow in the center. An empire was alleged to exist inside the Earth called Agartha. This is where the master race dwells.

Why was this? The Nazis did not create the hollow Earth concept. The idea preceded them. Even illuminati members Edgar Allen Poe and Jules Verne alluded in their poetry and prose to such a place, deep underneath the crust. Call it conspiracy, but the Nazi’s led three expeditions to Antarctica, and Admiral Richard Byrd, who led Operation Highjump, suggests that “bases” were established in Antarctica by the Nazis. They were doing something down there. Was the continent an escape for them?

Now, Obama visited Antarctica in March, and he was preceded by Patriarch Kirill of Russia. Simultaneous to Obama’s visit to the South Pole, his director of CIA, James Clapper, made a secret trip to Australia, another country with heavy interest in Antarctica. Kirill offered a strange blessing of Antarctica, calling the barren land an “ideal for human kind” because there were no weapons down there or any type of science experiments. Except, we know that is not true at all: there are multiple scientific expeditions that have gone to Antarctica: this was confirmed in an interview with Richard Byrd, who said that the region would become the center of scientific inquiry directly after WW2. What did he mean by this.

Another piece of my personal Research published in THEI in 1996

Before we get further into the present time reports we must look at another pieces of research that I did during my 4 years of research into Admiral Byrd’s involvement into the subject.  As you look into Hollow Earth aspect of this mysterious piece of land you will hear a lot about “Admiral Byrd’s Secret Diary”.  Here is my personal research into this oft quoted book. Be sure and watch the video I produced at the end of the research report. That’s the smoking gun. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

The Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd: Fact or Fiction? (1996) by Dennis Crenshaw

Antarctica Strangeness 2017 Style

Antarctica video you will never forget, try not to miss

YouTube ~ ekeresco jack Published on Apr 16, 2017

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Is UFO Disclosure Near? Maybe Out of Necessity? Or is This the Beginning of the Long Rumored “Outer Space” Black Flag Attack?

With today’s technology its hard to tell truth from fiction especially when it comes to photographic or video presentation. However after following the UFO revelations closely since seeing one myself in 1962 I feel that one day we will have disclosure.  

I am sure that some of the reports in the following videos is are man made craft, phony or mislabeled.  But there is so much here I feel at least some, if not all are truly “unexplained’.  If I am right then I feel that by the mere fact that these crashes have slipped by the Controllers secret files that full disclosure could be near.  But then it could not. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Finally 100% Real UFO FBI Proof – Alive Aliens UFO Crash Filmed By Cops – Extraterrestrials Are Here

YouTube ~ Igor Kryan

Published on Mar 16, 2017

For the best results watch on big HD screen, mobile phone screen will not show all the incredible details
All these things fell on earth from space – some were stranger than the others
But UFO that fell March 7, 2017 shattered all doubts about reality of Intelligent Aliens.

Real UFO Crashes Alive Aliens Recovered Filmed & Tell What Extraterrestrials Want. Ovnis.

Go to Page 2 For the Rest of The Story. . .

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THEI Eyeballs The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State #4 : CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Todays Fake News

THEI Eyeballs The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State #4 : CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’s Fake New’s


 THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA the Deep State ~ The Series

(Part 1) The War Against the Shadow Government Has Begun . . . THEI Editor Dennis Crenshaw ~ The Shadow Government/Deep State Explained

(Part 2)  Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars

(Part 3) The Dulles Brothers, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination

(Part 4)  CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’  s Fake News

(Part 5) Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030

[Shadow Government] Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent ~ CIA Drug Running Over the Years



How the CIA Plants News Stories in the Media

YouTube ~ Posted by The Corbett Report Extra Published on March 22, 2017

It is no longer disputed that the CIA has maintained an extensive and ongoing relationship with news organizations and journalists, and multiple, specific acts of media manipulation have now been documented. But as long as the public continues to ignore the influence of intelligence agencies in shaping or even fabricating news stories, the agency will continue to be able to set the policy that drives the American war machine at will.

Politics – Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN

YouTube ~ Posted by Today’s Alternative News

Published on Mar 14, 2017

Today’s Alternative News Channel – Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN.

Our CNN insider had been out of touch with us for several days. We were starting to wonder what was going on, but in our latest communication, our CNN insider did confirm our biggest fears. The CIA is indeed attempting, with all their might, to control the message to the masses!

Manhatten NYC 019



CNN Headquarters sign in New York City by Dennis Crenshaw. You may use this photo in your presentations under Fair Use.





by voxfux

The chilling reality of our time is that our biggest enemies are within.
CNN is one such enemy.
The New World Order crusaders know that it is better to control people and nations with the scientific application of fear and lies rather than the more unpredictable and expensive methodology of bullets and bombs.
So forty years ago, the CIA’s, “Operation Mockingbird,” went into full swing. The goal of the program was simply to control all mechanisms of opinion – the print news, the public opinion polls and the television news media. Their thinking was, if you control what people think, you’ve won the war before it has even begun.
And they have been frighteningly successful at achieving their goal – Since the 1950’s all major news and polling organizations have, to one degree or another, been absorbed into the sphere of control of the intelligence agencies. Now, the hard truth, which is simply too fantastic for most people to believe much less even comprehend in the first place is that the major news media is in actuality, mind controlling, opinion forming, population control mechanisms, and little else.
CNN is such a mind control machine.
CNN Being wholly a government propaganda machine, an organ of the CIA, and indeed as claimed by many in the right as well as left, extraordinarily influenced to the point of near subservience to a Zionist political agenda (more so than any discernible American agenda),  . . . Read Complete Report

Operation Mockingbird CIA Influenced Media

YouTube ~ Posted by XVII LXXVI

Published on Nov 29, 2016 Operation Mockingbird was a campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles, and was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became the head of the CIA. The organization recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network to help present the CIA’s views. . . . Read Complete Description

Media Lies (1995 SPIN) unauthorized footage 

YouTube ~ Posted by Conspiracy Insomniac

Fake News Network

YouTube ~ Posted by XVII LXXVI

Published on Mar 17, 2017
Satanic CIA illuminati FAKE NEWS Exposed!! This is as hardcore as it will ever get when it comes to proof you’re being brainwashed and lied to by the news media!

Denzel Washington Destroys the Liberal Media over “Fake News”

YouTube ~ Posted by MRCTV

SCRIPT – Top 10 Staged Media Events

YouTube by ThoughtCrime7

Fake News, Fake Reporters, Staged News, Blatant Omissions, Political Spins, War Propaganda and More!

Rulers In The Shadows

YouTube ~ Posted by XVII LXXVI

Published on Jan 21, 2017
Who Rules America?
Who Controls The U.S. Media?


Dig a Little DEEPER:  Controlled Media  Council on Foreign Relations 

  Federal Reserve Scam  Monsanto  United Nations  Skull and Bones 

Next Week: Sunday April 2, 2017 ~ THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA The Deep State #5 ~ Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030

Border Crisis Could Result In The Deaths Of Millions Of Americans

Featured Image: DOUGLAS, Ariz. (March 17, 2009) Two men scale the border fence into Mexico a few hundred yards away from where Seabees from Naval Mobile Construction Battalions (NMCB) 133 and NMCB-14 are building a 1,500 foot-long concretelined drainage ditch and a 10 foot-high wall to increase security along the U.S. and Mexico border in Douglas, Ariz. (U.S. Navy photo by Steelworker 1st Class Matthew Tyson/Released) (Public Domain)

From youtube by Western Journalism

Published on Jul 16, 2014

Video produced by Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey.

Check out for yourself what Obama might have seen if he had not refused Gov. Perry’s offer of a tour of the Texas/Mexico Border. Obama was in Austin on a fundraiser. Obama told the Texas Governor that he did not need to go to the border. (It was 250 miles away). He then flew off to another big-money Texas fundraiser.

“We’ve got the border under control” was the sound bite from President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden but when push came to shove the Administration refused to answer the question, Is the Border Secure?

They might have been able to answer that question more clearly had our leader gone down and eyeballed what I believe to be one of our major problems. . . . . EDITOR

youtube  by Me The People Perspectives

Video Shows Organized Raid on Mexican Border

Published on Jul 16, 2014

Video shows organized raid on US-Mexico border: Agents say assault is first of its kind there…
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Border Wars”; “Illegal Border Crossings

Survival Bunkers to fit any budget (+) Related Short Subject

THEI ‘BugOut’ Information Page #2 

Featured Image: 1950s fallout shelter.  SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain) From youtube uploaded by RT America The Resident: Check out this $11.5 million luxury Prepper bunker Published on Dec 25, 2013

An $11.5 million Prepper home was just put on the market in Yellow Jacket, Colorado, and it has everything a rich person needs to survive the Apocalypse of their choosing. It comes complete with 4 backup power systems, 5 backup heating systems, its own helicopter pad, its own well, a 7-step water filtration system, radio tower – you name it. It’s a great way to survive the end of times in luxury. The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) discusses. Follow The Resident at Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ Archive “The Resident” BONUS REPORTS_____________________ From youtube uploaded by AssociatedPress Doomsday Preppers Go Upscale With Luxury Bunker

Published on Sept 9, 2013

A Southern California company is building luxury survivalist bunkers complete with wide-screen TVs, plumbing, and bunk-beds. They start at about $65 thousand dollars and that doesn’t include the cost of digging a big enough hole. (Sept. 9)

From youtube uploaded by Atlas Shelters For Sale – used 10′ X 50′ Atlas Survival Shelter!

Published on Aug 28, 2013

“This is a once in a lifetime deal.”

We installed this Shelter for a TV series only. Now we need to pull it out and find it a permanent home. You can save around $30,000 on this 2011 (10′ X 50′) Home model from Atlas Survival Shelters. Included in the price will be all the furniture, water tanks, septic tanks, generator pod, and freight from the factory. Enjoy this video – this is the actual shelter! Related Short Subject From youtube uploaded by William Glaser Retro: Life in My Fallout Shelter (AP U.S. History project)

Published on Jun 5, 2012

A short satirical educational film on the propaganda/informative films of the 1950’s & 60’s. Join the Wilson family in learning about the dangers of the atom bomb & Communists (focusing on the Arms Race & McCarthyism) in Cold War-era America.

But sleep well tonight, you’ve got Obama Care to protect you!