Abandoned And Declassified Black Projects
From the most best stealth planes; to top secret helicopters caught on tape; These are 7 Abandoned and Declassified Black Projects
Dig A Little DEEPER: Military-Industrial Complex
Abandoned And Declassified Black Projects
From the most best stealth planes; to top secret helicopters caught on tape; These are 7 Abandoned and Declassified Black Projects
Dig A Little DEEPER: Military-Industrial Complex
Image: Mind Control in America CREDIT: Stephen Jacobson
from Want to Know.info
Dear friends,
The tragic Newtown school massacre and many other heartbreaking mass murders in recent years have spread fear and panic among parents and the general public. Yet some are questioning if there isn’t more than meets the eye to these cruel and bizarre events. Is it conceivable that there might be a deeper agenda here? This essay presents undeniable evidence that secret government mind control programs have created assassins and murderers out of unsuspecting citizens.
The astonishing excerpts below, taken verbatim from declassified CIA documents, reveal detailed mind control experiments in highly secret, government-sponsored experiments. Through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, CIA clinicians fractured personalities and induced multiple personality disorder (MPD) – also called dissociative identity disorder (DID). These top secret experiments were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates
or super spies programmed to carry out assassination, terrorist acts, sexual favors, and more without conscious knowledge of what they were doing. The army of Manchurian Candidates created may have played a key, hidden role in world politics. . . . Read Complete Report
Stephen Jacobson is a personal friend and the man I turn to when I need up-to-the minute and real information about what’s going on with mind control in America at any particular time. . . EDITOR
Listen to this 8 minute clip of Steven from a recent radio interview.
THEI Archive ~ Mind Control
8/19/2012: Irish heroine of Batman shooting spree drowns (W/Full Documentary: The James Holmes Conspiracy)
8/7/12: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO w/UPDATE Video Report
7/30/12: Part 4: Research Report: American Mind Control & the “Lone Nut Killers” (w/video)
7/30/12: Part 3 of the series: Part 3: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Unraveling the Secrets audio)
7/28/12: Part 2 of this series: Part 2: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Video)
7/28/12: Part 1 of this series: Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)
7/21/2012: Batman Shooting Foretold In 1986 Dark Knight Comic
7/21/2012: FBI theater attack warning issued on May 17, 2012 (video Report)
from The Blaze
Posted on September 20, 2012 at 8:47am by Liz Klimas
A document declassified in the last few years is getting now getting attention for showing that the National Security Council under former President Ronald Reagan authorized stockpiling of a certain weapon. One item in the memo that was not declassified though is just what weapon the National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 7 was allowed to load up on.
The Federation of American Scientists is bringing attention to this document called “Production of [Deleted] Weapons, 1981,” which was partially declassified in 2008, and even offers some speculation as to what would fit into the brackets.
The document itself states: “The production and stockpiling of [deleted] weapons is authorized with stockpiling being restricted to the United States [deleted].” . . . Read Complete Report w/Document
As I have stated a zillion times before, I believe that we will never learn the truth from any world government agency.
When, whatever or whoever, is in control of these advanced craft decides to tell us the trruth, then and only then will we be informed. . . . EDITOR
from MSNBC
By Mike Wall
No smoking gun — or alien — in British government’s release of documents
Alien spacecraft and little green men remain elusive figures in the latest trove of official UFO files released July 12 by the United Kingdom government.
There’s no smoking gun anywhere in the 6,700 pages, which represent the ninth collection ofgovernment UFO files made public by the U.K.’s National Archives in Kew. But the new batch, which contains documents dating from 1965 to 2008, are full of interesting tidbits nonetheless.
For example, the files recount the story of a hotel owner on the Welsh coast who said she spotted a UFO in 1977. She claimed to see an object the size of a minibus fall from the sky and land in a field at the back of her property. . . . read complete Report