Search results for aliens

China’s Savage War With Space Aliens

China’s Savage War With Space Aliens
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:17
Some ancient writings of China that precede their calendar by as much as 300 years, suggest that regions to the north were invaded by extraterrestrial forces. These alien armies built pyramids, enslaved the people, and battled defiant Asian warlords. Yet another race, indigenous to the same area at that time, stepped into the battle. Gigantic men, 12-feet tall with flaming red hair and leather suits of armor, helped repel the alien intruders. It was a time when the ferocious giants roamed the earth. They saved Chinaand perhaps the worlddriving the alien hordes back into the limitless depths of the void… read complete report

What is the “Right” Solution to the Border Crisis?

Published by Rick Osmon

So what is the right solution to the “Border Crisis“?

Every president since Bush senior has declared there is a border crisis, but it wasn’t until Trump took office that it became “inhumane” to detain illegal aliens. Even though we have been doing that all along and under worse living conditions than now.

If there were a physical barrier along those long stretches between entry ports along our southern border, the current Border Patrol personnel could handle the load instead of combing the desert using half million dollar thermal imaging devices and desert patrol vehicles.
But Nancy wants 30.000 additional people (times 40,000 to 60,000 dollars per year while working ($1,350,000,000) plus a retirement level equal to say 10 or 12 thousand a year) equipped with super high tech desert patrol vehicles.
Just how fast will that add up to the cost of the barrier? Maybe 10 years. Maybe. More like 8 or even 6. But once they are on the government payroll, the bureaucracy won’t let them go, so no matter how much illegal or legal immigration falls off, those additional government employees billets will never go away. Bureaucracies simply don’t work like that.

Oh, and I almost forgot, the $1.35 Billion per year is just the straight wages

and does not include the overhead rates (yes, gov’t activities charge an overhead rate). Without looking up the exact rate for each locality (yes, they vary), I could make a very conservative guess that the rate (that includes the wages paid) would be something over a hundred dollars per labor hour. If each new agent worked full time with out any over time (yeah, right), that would be 2,080 hours times 100 dollars per hour times 30,000. (drum roll, please) that comes out at $6.24 Billion in the first year. Yes, that’s over a half a billion dollars more in the first year for labor alone than Trump requested in the first year.for a permanent one time, (non recurring cost) physical barrier.

Now, take that times a 30 year career for each of those 30,000 employees: $187.2 Billion dollars for labor alone, without folding in cost of living allowances (COLA). Shall I do the math for the “hi tech barrier” that will be better and “more humane”? Did I mention that the hi tech desert patrol vehicles outfitted with all the gizmos and dodads cost in excess of half a million dollars each and that those thirty thousand additional agents will be 2 to a vehicle? If the current work force of 21,000 also get those sweet rides, then that’s another bunch of overpriced hardware. Oh wait, I guess I already did that math: $12.75 Billion, and I assure you they will be top heavy and will roll over killing some of those agents just as the HMMVV’s did in Iraq and Afghanistan, just costing way more up front. And they will have to be replaced as soon the contractor supplying them needs a shot in the arm or there is some “upgrade” available.

And then there are the drones that Nancy wants to use to patrol the border. The ones she has in mind are very much like the ones we use to kill terrorists, but they will be flying over our own cities.

That is Nancy Petrotski’s solution. And it sucks. It will not address the problems of the Border crisis

Please build that wall and double the capacity to process immigrants at the ports of entry and triple the potential to deport those who choose to ignore the law.




THEI Eyeballs the Men in Black Mystery 2017

Men in Black Mystery JUST GOT STRANGER

Podcast Affiliates Network

Published on Aug 27, 2017

Who Are The Men In Black?

Bedtime Stories

Published on Apr 2, 2017

S01E10 – Who Are The Men In Black? – Government agents of suppression? Or extra-terrestrial visitors in disguise? Who are the Men in Black? And could recent CCTV footage finally provide proof of their existence? This week on Bedtime Stories, we pull back the veil on these highly mysterious individuals.

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Border Wall Updates 8/27/17

US Town Experiences Massive Change After Border Fence Goes Up

24h News

Published on Aug 24, 2017

US Town Experiences Massive Change After Border Fence Goes Up
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US Mexico Border Wall Just Got $1.6B Down Payment (Full Compilation)


Published on Jul 28, 2017

The House has passed initial funds of $1.6 billion to start the US Mexico border wall.

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The Alien Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill [FULL VIDEO]

The Alien Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill [FULL VIDEO]

Zohar StarGate TV

Published on Aug 6, 2017

This amazing real Alien abduction story started on the evening of the September 19th through the morning of the 20th when Barney and Betty Hill were driving home down Route 3 coming home from vacation in Canada and northern New York.

After the abduction, Betty and Barney Hill were asked to draw a picture of the Aliens and Betty who had seen the star map was asked to draw out the map of the star system which was unknown at the time, but has now been found by amazed astrologers around the world. The two pictures of the aliens were very similar and the stories were exactly the same from the couple. The dress that Betty had been wearing with the strange pink powder had sat in her closet for some time until scientists around the world started asking for samples which she gladly cut off and sent out.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Eyeballin the UFO Enclosure Part 2: Early Flying Saucer Reports 

MUST SEE: Ancient Artifacts that are Impossible According to Historians [FULL VIDEO]

This is one of the most common sense answers to the visitation to our planet by advanced civilizations in the past yet.  If after watching this presentation you are still unsure of past visitation you need to check out your reasoning power. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw 

Ancient Artifacts that are Impossible According to Historians [FULL VIDEO]

YouTube ~

Published on May 8, 2017

An advanced alien civilization visited the Earth in times long past. Proof of their presence in rock-carvings, religious artifacts, ancient myths, and, of course, megalithic monuments such as the Giza pyramids are littered all over the world. This video examines ancient ruins, lost cities, spaceports, and a myriad of hard scientific facts that point to extraterrestrial intervention in human history. Most incredible of all, however, is the theory that we are the descendants of these galactic pioneers—and the video reveals the archaeological discoveries that prove it. Includes remarkable photos that document mankind’s first contact with aliens at the dawn of civilization. Analysis of the evidence used by mainstream science anchor theology to explain the presence of artifacts, writings and other materials, coupled with his alternative explanations and proofs were not only plausible, but also down right convincing.

Dig a Little DEEPER:

UFO Enclosure  

“THEI Returns to the Subterranean World Part 2: Hidden Tunnel Found Under Mayan Pyramid in Mexico

The Great Pyramid of Gaza

The Nazca Plains


Former Navy Seal Discloses the Shocking Truth at Area 51

I was introduced, by telephone, to top UFO investigator Windelle Stevens by a mutual friend, a top underground investigator himself (who chooses to remain unnamed), in the mid-1990’s. At the time Wendelle Stevens was in possession of the most extensive UFO photo/video collection in the world.  I found him to be an honest and dedicated investigator into the Alien/UFO mysteries, and during the years of my own UFO investigations he never failed to help me sort out my particular areas of research and shared his extensive photo collection with me..  

Mr. Stevens did not believe in Aliens from Inner Earth, but he always had an open mind when discussing the idea with me.  The following video is the most extensive research report on Area 51 I have ever seen and I believe part of that has to do with the late Wendelle Stevens involvement in putting it  together.  I am sure those who knew him, like myself, miss his honest approach to the questions we all ponder. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Former Navy Seal Discloses the Shocking Truth at Area 51

Published on Jun 26, 2017

It is the most famous military installation in the world. And no credible insider has ever divulged the truth about his time inside of it. Until now. detailing the specifics of the above top secret laboratory installation within Area 51 known as S-4. Connor O’Ryan is the pseudonym of an S-4 sentry who defected, and approached Wendelle Stevens in the fall of 1991 and gave testimony as to the activities of certain high officials at the S-4 facility. S-4 rests inside the edge of the Papoose mountains that lay alongside the dry Papoose Lake. S-4 is located just a few miles southwest of the infamous Groom Lake Naval Air Base, for which Area 51 is most famous. However, S-4 is likely an even more secluded and guarded base than Groom Lake. This video presents the testimonies and evidence regarding the highest extreme of classified secret activities of U.S. Navy scientists, engineers, guards, assassins, and certain government leaders and corporate executives that are conducting special ops missions and advanced experiments involving dangerous elements and energy sources out of the view of congressional oversight and public watchdogs.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Area 51

“THEI Returns to the Subterranean World Part 2: Hidden Tunnel Found Under Mayan Pyramid in Mexico

Featured Image:Temple of the Inscriptions  w/cutaway showing interior and tomb.

In this second part of our latest on the Subterranean World series we return to Mexico’s ancient city of the Mayan, Planque,and the tomb of an ancient ruler named Lord Pacal.   In  the 1960’s writer Eric von Daniken put fourth the theory that Pacal’s sarcophagus lid was a space ship taking him into outer space.

 However, In my 1996 study I disagreed with von Daniken. My assessment was in agreement with the ancient Mayan legends; that what the scene really represented; his return to the underground from where he came. [Secret Underground Tunnels Past and Present: Part 2 “A Closer Look“.] It’s all in which direction you look at the lid. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Hidden Tunnel Found Under Mayan Pyramid in Mexico



Published on Jul 27, 2016

Archaeologists at the Mayan ruin site of Palenque said Monday they have discovered an underground water tunnel built under the Temple of Inscriptions, which houses the tomb of an ancient ruler named Pakal.

Water Tunnel Discovered Beneath Mayan Temple In Palenque

DAHBOO77 Published on Jul 26, 2016 Archaeologists at the Mayan ruin site of Palenque in Mexico have discovered an underground water tunnel built under the Temple of Inscriptions, which houses the tomb of an ancient ruler named Pakal. The archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez said on Monday that researchers believe the tomb and pyramid were purposely built atop a spring between 683-702 AD. The tunnels led water from under the funeral chamber out into the broad esplanade in front of the temple, thus giving Pakal’s spirit a path to the underworld. Attention has focused on the heavily carved stone sarcophagus in which Pakal was buried, and which some believe depicts the Maya ruler seated at the controls of a spaceship.

A journey to the Tomb of Pacal an ancient Mayan King.

Published on Aug 18, 2010

This was a special tour as a result of a 2006 Conference in Palenque Mexico.


Ancient Aliens Astronaut Theory *DEBUNKED*

Published on Sep 1, 2015

Ancient aliens astronaut theory debunked. New chariots of the gods refuted. Scariest ufo documentary ever refuted. The Mayan Ancient Alien Astronaut theory at Palenque Pakal. Is this stone carving proof of the existence of aliens visiting early civilizations? Among the ruins in Palenque stands a pyramid called the Temple of Inscriptions. During the summer of 1952 deep within the bowels of this structure Alberto Ruz the director of research at Palenque would discover a tomb that held what appears to be proof of early man conquering space flight. This is a picture of the lid to the sarcophagus of King Pakal, and on it, is what appears to be a man in the cockpit or capsule of a rocket shit, manning the controls as he ascends into space. This theory was made famous in Erich Von Daniken’s 1968 best seller, Chariot of the Gods where Daniken compared the image on the stone to that of the astronauts of Project Mercury. But let’s take a closer look… Around the lid are hieroglyphics that represent night and day, and placed accordingly to show movement from east to west to represent Pakal transitioning from life (daytime) to death (nighttime). What is commonly mistaken for a rocket ship with fire shooting out of the bottom is in fact something found in many cultures known as The World Tree (more about that in another video). The branches extend into heaven, while the roots (fire?) extend into the underworld symbolizing a connection between the heavens, earth and the underworld. Sprawled across the branches is the double headed vision serpent which is believed to live in the center of the world. This is also a symbol for royalty. The celestial bird also known as The Bird of heaven is the lord of the cosmos “heavens.” which is why it is placed at the top of the World Tree’s branches. Pakal sits upon the Monster of the Sun. Because ancient cultures believed that when the sun set, it sank into the underworld where it went to die. The Monster of the sun represents Pakals transition, as it sinks to the world below, taking the king with it. Which is represented by his position as if he’s falling down. As much as I would love to know the early Mayan’s technological abilities didn’t just include plumbing, but interplanetary space travel as well… What you really see is just a beautiful depiction of a powerful king’s death and his travel’s from this world, to the underworld.

Dig A Little DEEPER: Subterranean Worlds (1990’s Research) 

2012 -2017 Research Hollow Earth/ Subterranean Worlds

Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Drops

Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Drops

Youtube ~ Igor Kryan

Published on Jul 17, 2017
Did CERN Created Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Level Drops. Everything you are about to see is real. This is Kryan Channel Most Serious Video. Something never seen before is happening. Millions of giant sinkholes opened around the globe within the past few years. Yes, you heard it right – millions. Some blamed weather, some stated that hollow earth theory is proven, some said that CERN created a mini black hole inside Earth, some blamed aliens from outer space, others demons from hell. I thought its because of excessive fracking and mining and I went to the oil rig to investigate only to be proven wrong because sinkholes seemed to evenly distributed around the world and not concentrate around fracking and mining places. Russian Siberia, Brazilian Jungle, Frozen Antarctica and African Sahara have thousands of new sinkholes open without any fraking or mining there. I talk to the engineer in charge of multi million dollar seabed mining sonar vessel who has PhD is geophysics. He told me that what we are seeing on earth is just the tip of the iceberg, for one sinkhole opening on earth there are at least 4 underwater according to his sonar and this process accelerated geometrically within the last couple of years. I asked him what he thinks causing it. He looked at me and said – the only logical explanation is that CERN created mini Black Hole inside Earth. However, I disagreed with him I have discovered something even scarier than a black hole inside Earth created by CERN. Hold your breath, but first watch how those monsters are decimating our planet. Here is what is happening now. Scientists predicted that ocean level will rise by 2 feet by 2020 comparatively to 1900s because of Global Warming. Instead, we are seeing almost 1 foot drop. We have a grotto in San Francisco beach near Seal Rocks that was only possible to reach during the lowest tide in 1990s without getting wet. I used to wait for the low tide to go there. Now it is assessable during any tide 24/7. Moreover, last month I was able to reach Seal Rocks by feet – it was never possible before. Where all the water gone? The thing is that we live on the aging planet and its core is cooling, shrinking and contracting, forcing magma to retreat deeper, leaving hollow spaces inside the earth crust into the newly formed cracks and reservoirs. The ocean water occupies these newly formed sinkholes and spaces also draining down closer to earth magma, exposing more of the ocean floor. New islands forming in the ocean and more land getting exposed. This island just raised from the ocean in Caribbean within a couple of years and don’t even have a name yet. The earth crust also cooling, shrinking and contracting forming new cracks and sinkholes. And this process accelerated in geometrical progression within the last few years. In time all water will be drained from the Earth surface and Earth will be resembling Mars. But before that and very soon, probably within your lifetime, something very dramatic will happen that will create an extinction event similar to the one that happened 250 million years ago. Permian–Triassic extinction. It was the worst in all history because almost 99% of species were lost forever and 99.9% of all earth life went extinct. Life today descended from 1% of the surviving species. As it is today, earth core started to cool down and earth crust cracked like a boiled eggs with trillions gallons of cold ocean water pouring inside newly formed earth cavities and once they reached hot magma – the volcanic magma explosion was so powerful that pieces of the planet were literally thrown to outer space. Possibly, visions some of you including me having of the receded ocean and miles of empty ocean floor exposed are about to come true. All those sinkholes are just the beginning of the end, much bigger fissures are opening at the ocean floor. Once one will be big enough the earth curst will crack again around its ring of fire like a boiled egg. The volcanic magma explosion like hit of 10 mile wide asteroid will create nearly life all on earth following by world earthquake magnitude 12 or higher and 5,000 feet tall tsunami. Why now? Why those sinkholes, cracks and fissures formation skyrocketed within the last few years? Why Earth waited 250 million years? Perhaps, it’s a coincidence, perhaps, it’s a karma for human mistreating its mother earth, perhaps it’s the answer to Biblical prophecy of apocalypse, perhaps, it’s the theory that Earth his the one large organism who has it’s ways to get rid of any invading parasitic species once they overdevelop, perhaps, it’s the answer why we cannot find many developed alien civilizations around us, perhaps, it is all together. We might never know for sure, but the fact is we are being terra-formed from the inside. And by the time it took you watch to this point of the video 11 new sink holes opened around the planet.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Sink Holes

HUGE “Hole” On Mars Has Scientists Baffled 6/6/17 and other Possible Hollowness in Space & at Home (Extended Report)


Hollow Mars?

From Fox News Science

Huge, deep hole on Mars leaves scientists baffled

Fox News

A depression huge and deep on Mars has left astronomers baffled.

It was discovered by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NRO), which has been studying the Martian surface for 11 years. The vast pit, estimated to be hundreds of feet across and surrounded by frozen carbon dioxide, is located on the south pole of Mars— sticking out among the Swiss cheese terrain of Earth’s closest neighbor. . . . Read Complete Report

As I have stated for 50 years it is my belief that planetary civilizations live inside planets and Earth’s outer civilization, man, is an experiment conducted by an Advanced Civilization that lives inside our planet to see if a civilization can exist on the outside of a planet for any length of time and what would happen to such an outer civilization placed here. Crazy Idea?  Maybe so, but here is another finding that, well . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw (This site is not called The Hollow Earth Insider nothing)

HUGE “Hole” On Mars Has Scientists Baffled 6/6/17

YouTube ~ secureteam10

Published on Jun 5, 2017

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Deep, black mars holes

YouTube ~ ufomovies

Uploaded on Oct 14, 2007

Windows into the abyss
Black spots have been discovered on Mars that are so dark that nothing inside can be seen. Quite possibly, the spots are entrances to deep underground caves capable of protecting Martian life, were it to exist.
See the picture in High Quality:

Must See! Planet Mars Has Something Moving Under Its Surface! 6/18/16

YouTube ~ Published on Jun 18, 2016

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